chiss ships

Chiss ships

Hello there! We know little to nothing about the Chiss ships. Timothy Zahn has quite cleverly written the books barely describing their ships overall design so future writers and designers can fill in the gaps without being too restricted. We know a lot about Chiss weapons, shields and how they work, with them showing favour towards munitions like breacher missiles and plasma spheres while using weaker shields compared chiss ships the Republic, chiss ships.

They rapidly repair hull damage but only enough to make the ship functional. The Saracen is the most powerful ship to ever be put in production under the Chiss Ascendancy, so expensive that only two could be made. The Saracen is heavily armed with more than a thousand armaments installed on its hull, including plasma cannons and mass drivers for devastating affect. It also includes very powerful shields that share the same principle as the shields on the Zeus-class dreadnaught, one primary that soaks up most the damage, and a second one that kicks in when the primary shield goes down. The Saracen also features one weapon that is new to the Chiss Naval Force, Null-burst projector; the Null-burst projector is a weapon designed to fire off a burst of negative energy at a target ship and disable all its crew for hours, leaving them vulnerable for destruction.

Chiss ships

Its complement of 48 fighters usually consisted of a mix of Advanced Clawcraft, Nssis-class Clawcraft, Chiss Heavy Fighters and Chiss Recon Fighters, and also carried compliments of AirStraeker atmospheric assault craft and troop landing craft. These weapons are a mix of energy and particle damage, and unlike laser weapons that only burn upon impact, masers also exert physical force when they impact upon a target. When a maser weapon hits a target it may push them in the opposite direction, especially in combat with vehicles and starships in atmosphere or space. The target can use a defensive action to make a piloting skill roll against Moderate Difficulty to negate this. Yet, Grand Admiral Thrawn did procure and use a working model of cloaking device when he undertook his campaign against the New Republic. Then-Captain Palleon came into possession of the cloaking device afterwards, and it is very likely that the Empire of the hand, and later perhaps the Chiss Ascendancy, have working cloak technology and use it extensively. Cloaking devices render any ships they are equipped to absolutely undetectable by other sensor systems in any way. However, the very ship using the cloak cannot use their own sensors, and are effectively blind while using them. A Force user could use their senses and powers to make great effect of a cloaking device, but among the Chiss such people may be rare. However, as proved by thrawn, cloaks have other uses besides hiding ships Dome Structure One distinct difference from most Star Destroyers was that the type lacked any obvious command superstructure, apparently in an attempt to deny attackers easy and visible targets.

Offensive and Defensive Systems Like most Chiss ships Destroyer designs, the Chiss capital ships were powerful, but were also vulnerable to a concerted starfighter assault. During warfare, the systems operator fires the rotary cannon, chiss ships, taking down tailing fighters or supporting the wing laser cannons all the while launching the ship's homing rockets.

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In a galaxy filled with beings and civilizations , their mystery has endured for years—and across two iterations of Star Wars canon. Part of the reason the Chiss are such a mystery to both us as Star Wars fans and the denizens of the galaxy far, far away is that their vast society exists in a region of the universe that is, for the most part, cut off from the reaches of the core worlds and the outer rim territories. Csilla, the heart of the Ascendancy and the homeworld of the Chiss, sits in the Unknown Regions: an area of space largely separated from what we know as the Star Wars galaxy by volatile spatial anomalies that made traversing there all but impossible for most ships. Even within the Unknown Regions, space travel and navigation were a risky business. Sky-walkers only usually have a career that lasts between the ages of around 8 and 13 before their ability to sense is almost entirely faded. Chiss society, aka the Ascendancy, is ruled by two main bodies: the Aristocra and the Military. The Aristocra is made up predominantly of nine major noble houses more on those later and handled the actual governance. The Defense Force, although itself controlled by governing articles from the Syndicure, was a fundamental aspect of Chiss culture, which prided itself on duty to the state through service. The Chiss Ascendancy is one of the most powerful factions in all of the Unknown Regions and not a body born out of military expansionism. Its influence and control are instead expanded through arms-length diplomacy, ensuring for the most part relative peace with other races

Chiss ships

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. The following needs expanding on: needs a lot of information from the entire Ascendancy Trilogy. The history section should cover the trilogy's events. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and Layout Guide and complete this article to the highest level of quality. Remove this message when finished. The Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet , also known as the Chiss Expansionary Fleet , Chiss Defense Fleet , and the Ascendancy Defense Fleet , was the external defense fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy 's military concerned with protecting Chiss interests beyond its borders and investigating threats from outside of Chiss territory.

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It still maintains the maneuverability and speed the Clawcraft is known for. These reinforced barriers take away energy from other systems when intensified to its maximum effect, forming a protective wall in the front lines of a fleet. All Posts. Chiss Breacher Warship: The target can use a defensive action to make a piloting skill roll against Moderate Difficulty to negate this. It also includes very powerful shields that share the same principle as the shields on the Zeus-class dreadnaught, one primary that soaks up most the damage, and a second one that kicks in when the primary shield goes down. New posts. Scans and sensor signals are reverted around the emanated field produced by the Stealth Cruiser's many panels, adhering and negating any readings of the area. Install the app. I was originally inspired by Varnillian , letting you swap out dice but being able to hold multiple, then I decided to do something similar but with Command dials. The Great White fills the role primarily as a Vanguard, able to withstand the full brunt of a heavy assault and dish it back out. Because of this, they can change the course of a starship while travelling and can react to dangers which I tried to show in this upgrade. They are heavily armed and armored, holding enough missiles to take down an entire squadron of starfighters or do considerable damage to a capital ship.

The Chiss Star Destroyer somewhat resembled the m Victory -class Star Destroyer design still being used by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances , but its gray hull was slightly longer and slimmer, giving it an aggressive, needle-shaped appearance.

Description: Evolved into a more specialized and multirole craft from its predecessor, the T Warhawk II Scout Fighter is a unique and capable craft. You are using an out of date browser. The Upgrades:. Compliment The launch complex of a Chiss Star Destroyer included capture bays to impound suspicious ships, and hangars supporting squadrons of Nssis-class Clawcraft. Comments made about this Article! These weapons are a mix of energy and particle damage, and unlike laser weapons that only burn upon impact, masers also exert physical force when they impact upon a target. A hangar bay located in the bow carries a small complement of alert fighters that can be launched quickly to intercept enemy craft without compromising the integrity of the assault complement housed within the larger ventral hangar bay. With the latest of Chiss tracking technology, manually targeted self-guiding Concussion Missiles and Proton Torpedoes are assembled on either side of the port and starboard hangars, allowing fighters to be deployed safely and quickly, while providing a close-range bombardment of approaching enemies. Its light shields can absorb only a few laser bolts, and its light armor is easily punched through. However, the very ship using the cloak cannot use their own sensors, and are effectively blind while using them. The upgrade lets you deal each damage card dealt to the defender by red dice face up, during the attack.

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