cest timezone

Cest timezone

Spain has two time zones and observes daylight saving time.

A total of 33 countries are located in this time zone. The clocks are advanced by one hour. In all participating countries, this changeover always takes place on the last Sunday in March and October at 2 or 3 o'clock at night. The differences between the individual time zones are always given in relation to the Universal Time Coordinated UTC , i. Central European Time was set to correspond to the mean solar time at the 15th longitude east. To have a uniform time zone in Europe, all Central European countries, as well as France and Spain, joined the time zone. All countries to the west of Germany, including the Netherlands and Belgium, would therefore have to be in a different time zone to have a time appropriate to the position of the sun.

Cest timezone


To have a uniform time zone in Europe, cest timezone, all Central European countries, as well as France and Spain, joined the time zone.


A total of 33 countries are located in this time zone. The clocks are advanced by one hour. In all participating countries, this changeover always takes place on the last Sunday in March and October at 2 or 3 o'clock at night. The differences between the individual time zones are always given in relation to the Universal Time Coordinated UTC , i. Central European Time was set to correspond to the mean solar time at the 15th longitude east. To have a uniform time zone in Europe, all Central European countries, as well as France and Spain, joined the time zone. All countries to the west of Germany, including the Netherlands and Belgium, would therefore have to be in a different time zone to have a time appropriate to the position of the sun. This difference is greatest in the extreme west of Spain. Here, you are about one and a half hours behind the actual solar time, which is why it gets light there 1. Like Portugal, Spain should actually be in the Western European time zone.

Cest timezone

It is used in most parts of Europe and in a few North African countries. As of , all member states of the European Union observe summer time daylight saving time , from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. Portugal used CET in the years — and — Central European Time is sometimes referred to as continental time in the UK. Between and , Tunisia observed daylight saving time. The criteria for drawing time zones is based on many factors including: legal, political, economic, and physical or geographic. Consequently, time zones rarely adhere to meridian lines.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo. BBC Travel. Outline Index. Retrieved 1 January Bosnia and Herzegovina. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This difference is greatest in the extreme west of Spain. Central African Republic. Clocks must normally be set one hour earlier than in Spain after crossing the borders with Portugal. Some observers believe that this time zone shift plays a role in the country's relatively unusual daily schedule late meals and sleep times. Retrieved 19 February


Retrieved 1 January La Voz de Galicia. It was then introduced and abolished several times. Here, you are about one and a half hours behind the actual solar time, which is why it gets light there 1. This was made permanent in in order to be in line with German-occupied Europe. It was not applied in —, , nor during the Second Spanish Republic period in — To have a uniform time zone in Europe, all Central European countries, as well as France and Spain, joined the time zone. International Timezone Converter Convert any time worldwide into your local time. The clocks are advanced by one hour. However, the time zone was changed to Central European Time in and has remained so since then, meaning that Spain does not use its "natural" time zone under the coordinated time zone system. The differences between the individual time zones are always given in relation to the Universal Time Coordinated UTC , i. Retrieved May 20, Toggle limited content width. BBC Travel.

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