Bulldog harness gay

Chest Size: Height: cm 5'7'' and under.

This leather harness has no innate function. Maybe you have some idea about how you could use it in some other project. Maybe you think it looks cool! What is interesting, though is that the men I know who have tried it on have said, "Damn, this just feels good on my body! It makes you feel held in place. You know that feeling when you go for x-rays and they put that lead blanket over you?

Bulldog harness gay

Always look ready for action in our best selling Bulldog Harness. Made with metal hardware and snug yet sturdy leather, our Bulldog will stand up to any feat, be it wearing around town, or when he pulls you deeper. The Harness sits above your chest with two circle rings for extra versatility. The Bulldogs 4 front and 2 back buckles provide a comfortable and proper fit, while giving off a rugged and rough look. My first harness and it fits well and makes a really nice leather noise! How exciting!!! And my boyfriend loves it. My first harness and didn't know what to expect. It's very comfortable and easy to move around in. It also makes me feel special! Very comfortable and good quality.

By KDS Follow. It's great quality, fits great.


A wonderful bow tie tie is made of supple, sensual black leather. This tie is already tied, and is connected to an adjustable strap with snaps to allow for different sized necks. A Bulldog style harness goes across the upper chest, drawing the eye to the shoulders. Many body types look great in this style, so it's a matter of taste. This harness is available in many beautiful leather colors. We use high quality, sensual leather.

Bulldog harness gay

A Bulldog style harness goes across the upper chest, drawing the eye to the shoulders. Many body types look great in this style, so it's a matter of taste. This harness is available in many beautiful leather colors. We use high quality, sensual leather. This is a handcrafted product with a eye-catching look and an amazing feel.

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Without these cut tabs, the ends of the straps will create bulky-looking "triangles" inside each steel ring, and can then never adjust themselves to your body shape and movements. A large rubber mallet such as this one. US customers should not be charged import taxes or duties. No one else works here. Details There is a good reason our classic black bulldog harnesses is one of our most popular Leather is expensive. Also, you need to be mindful of where the knife will actually "cut" in relation to the glass edge— if you allow the blade to tip sideways, it will start to cut under the glass and your final strap will have a bevel to it! They are not a guarantee. This was my first harness purchase. Straps are made from 4 layers of leather. Maybe you think it looks cool! Also, keep this in mind: the harness shown here was made for a person 5'8" tall weighing about lbs. Every product is designed and sewn by Derrick. I tried to minimize my number of strokes with the knife in the leather by having straps share cut edges see diagram.

The flag was designed with inclusion in mind. Matches our Pride Bear Culture Fan!

It you cut too fast, then the tip will shoot right out of its intended track and into the strap itself. Phone Number. I like just wearing mine under regular clothes. There is a good reason our classic black bulldog harnesses is one of our most popular Always look ready for action in our best selling Bulldog Harness. You can skip this section if you are using pre-cut 1. Technically, there is no front or back to this harness— the only thing which makes the front the front is the presence of the snaps. Do not let this happen. It is only when the anvil is turned this way that the shock of the mallet will cause it to set properly. Great job, folks! And my boyfriend loves it. Stainless steel D-rings, O-rings, rivet caps, and snap caps.

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