boy dies hockey puck

Boy dies hockey puck

An year-old boy, who was in intensive care for days after he was struck in the neck by a puck at his hockey practice Tuesday in Saint-Eustache, boy dies hockey puck, Que. The city, a suburb northwest of Montreal, released a statement Friday morning announcing his death.

Want to discuss? Please read our Commenting Policy first. If you get Global News from Instagram or Facebook - that will be changing. Find out how you can still connect with us. An year-old boy has died after he was hit by puck Tuesday during a minor league hockey practice north of Montreal.

Boy dies hockey puck

An year-old boy has died days after being hit by a puck in the neck during a minor hockey league practice on Tuesday in Saint-Eustache, northwest of Montreal. We offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones," a press release from the force reads. Following the incident at the Walter-Buswell complex, the child was rushed to a Montreal hospital to be treated for his injuries. The child was wearing the required protective equipment at the time of the incident, the city said in a post on its website, and Hockey Quebec confirmed that neck guards are part of a player's regular protective gear. People outside the arena on Friday told reporters the incident had left other young players shaken, adding that it was very difficult news to hear. I can't believe it happened to a kid so young. He had all his life in front of him. My sympathies to the family. It will be a tough thing to go through. I wish them the best of luck," said one parent outside the sports complex. The case is under investigation, but police say there is no reason to believe foul play was involved. The purpose of the investigation is to shed light on the causes and circumstances of the death," the SPVSE news release continued. The Walter-Buswell complex in Saint-Eustache.

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An year-old Canadian boy struck in the neck this week by a hockey puck during practice has died. While Hockey Canada requires neck guards for its approved programs, the guards do not always provide enough protection. Trent McCleary, a former Montreal Canadiens player, saw the end of his professional career when a puck struck his throat in ,. He told Victoria News that a neck guard would not have offered him any protection from the high-velocity slam. The Voice of America provides news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience of over million people. Home United States U. Follow Us.

An year-old boy, who was in intensive care for days after he was struck in the neck by a puck at his hockey practice Tuesday in Saint-Eustache, Que. The city, a suburb northwest of Montreal, released a statement Friday morning announcing his death. Local police published a similar statement saying they had notified the Quebec Coroner's Office, which would look into the causes and circumstances surrounding the boy's death. Officials have not yet publicly identified the boy. Earlier statements from the city said a call to had come in to emergency services at around 7 p. ET Tuesday. The city has been shaken by the event, said Saint-Eustache Mayor Pierre Charron in a news release Thursday before the boy's death was confirmed.

Boy dies hockey puck

An year-old boy has died after getting hit in the neck by a puck during a junior hockey league practice near Montreal earlier this week, police confirmed Friday. The incident occurred at around 7 p. Tuesday, when police and ambulance services responded to a call at the Walter-Buswell arena in St-Eustache. The boy was brought to a Montreal hospital intensive-care unit. The St-Eustache police department said earlier in the week that an investigation showed the boy was hit by accident and that he was wearing all the required protective equipment at the time. Lieutenant Olivier Boucher said Friday the puck struck the boy in the neck. Police have not said when the boy died. With the exception of tournament matches, the association cancelled all games and practices until Monday, Mr.

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The St-Eustache police department said earlier in the week an investigation showed the boy was hit by accident and he was wearing all the required protective equipment. But the equipment doesn't offer substantial protection against direct, hard impact, according to Trent McCleary, a former Montreal Canadiens player who in suffered a career-ending puck strike to the throat during an NHL game. The Montreal Canadiens issued a statement Friday on their X account, saying the organization was saddened to learn of the boy's death. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. The incident happened Tuesday at the Complexe Walter-Buswell. A week long charity event in Waterloo is bringing out creativity and compassion. Girl Guides 'urgently looking' for more adult volunteers as new cookie campaign begins Thousands of Girl Guides, their families and adult volunteers fanned out across the province Saturday for the start of the organization's latest cookie campaign. Advertisement 3. But, of course, we'll have to wait for those specialists' recommendations about that. He died days later after the hit left him in critical condition.

An year-old boy has died days after being hit by a puck in the neck during a minor hockey league practice on Tuesday in Saint-Eustache, northwest of Montreal.

His team, the Nottingham Panthers, initially called the death "a freak accident". World News. She moved to Italy and bought a palazzo for a fresh start. More on this story. Thousands of Girl Guides, their families and adult volunteers fanned out across the province Saturday for the start of the organization's latest cookie campaign. Verity Stevenson. Fatal accidents are very rare," he told CTV News. Previewing The 96th Academy Awards. On Saturday afternoon, Vancouver's Chinatown Plaza mall was filled with people eager to learn the cultural practice of tai chi. The incident happened at Complexe Walter-Buswell. Create an Account Sign in. If you get Global News from Instagram or Facebook - that will be changing. The puck fractured his larynx and endangered his life, he told The Canadian Press.

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