boil star wars

Boil star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Boil was the name of a clone trooper who served in the th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic and was a member of Boil star wars Company.

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Boil star wars


Wookieepedia Explore. Numa, worried for her new friends, ran over to check on the clones' condition and then proceeded to check on Kenobi.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Members of the th Attack Battalion, Boil fought alongside his squadmate Waxer as both searched the outskirts of Nabal for enemy units. Along the search Waxer found a lost Twi'lek girl named Numa that Boil wanted no part of looking after because he was a soldier he said. But reluctantly, he helped Numa find her family and she taught him the value of humanity in war. Danger was never far away for clone troopers assigned to scout missions: they always find themselves out ahead of the main army and under Separatist fire. Getting to the crash site was difficult because of the enemy fire, but the duo managed to retrieve Kenobi. Heroes Wiki. Heroes Wiki Explore. Top Content.

Boil star wars

Once the article contains more information, this template will be removed. Boil wore customized Phase I clone trooper armor with orange-yellow markings throughout. The midsection of his helmet bore a red tic mark, similar to those of Coruscant Guard clone troopers, and a black symbol. In battle, he fought using a DCS blaster. Boil helped Waxer and the other Ghost Company members free the Twi'leks. It was through Numa's help that they were able to accomplish this deed. Boil helped Waxer and Numa find Numa's uncle and the rest of her family. As the Second Battle of Geonosis began, the Republic's forces were immediately under heavy fire as the invasion began, including their staging area on Geonosis, Point Rain, which the Geonosians viciously attacked forced down multiple Republic gunships, including Obi-Wan Kenobi's. Seeing the downed gunship from the landing sight, Commander Cody summoned Boil and Waxer to go to the gunship and check for survivors.

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On Ryloth, Boil wore Phase I clone trooper armor decorated with his unit's orange colors. Boil and Waxer returned to their scouting duties, and Numa followed them. When he and Waxer were late from their scouting mission, Kenobi noted that such unpunctual actions were uncharacteristic of them. Edit source View history Talk After rendezvousing with the rest of Ghost Company, Boil participated in a raid on the Nabat courtyard, where Separatist battle droids had rounded up the city's inhabitants near the proton cannons. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. Boil, along with Waxer, accompanied the strike force led by Kenobi and Commander Cody. Seeing that Nabat was abandoned, Cody and Wooley went to search the courtyard, while Boil and Waxer were ordered to go south and return to the Republic position by an appointed time. Like all clone troopers, Boil had the height of 1. The girl, however, soon ran in the direction of the recon droid, and Waxer chose to follow her there, much to Boil's dismay. Although Boil considered himself the tougher of the two, Waxer did not agree with that, and enjoyed mocking the mustache that Boil maintained.

This page requires a cleanup to perform a higher standard of quality. This may include fixing photos, sections, templates, and overall content.

Years later, Numa—now a resistance fighter in the Free Ryloth Movement —wore a piece of armor on her left arm with the word "Boil" written in Aurebesh. Start a Wiki. Wookieepedia Explore. Aboard one of the transports , Jedi Master Mace Windu contacted Kenobi via a holoprojector and tasked him and Ghost Company with eliminating the cannons so the transports could land. Getting back to the square is the fun part. In 21 BBY , [14] Boil was among the Republic forces that were sent to liberate the Togrutan colony world of Kiros , after it had been occupied by the Confederacy. During their reconnaissance mission, Boil and Waxer stumbled upon a young Twi'lek girl named Numa. Royce Hemlock Dr. He wanted to answer Cody, but Waxer convinced him that the best way to explain their delay would be to reach the Republic position and tell Cody that their comlinks had been jammed. After rendezvousing with the rest of Ghost Company, Boil participated in a raid on the Nabat courtyard, where Separatist battle droids had rounded up the city's inhabitants near the proton cannons.

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