betty glitchtale

Betty glitchtale

She was a spell and a physical incarnation of the soul trait FEAR, lacking certain emotions, solely focused on fulfilling its purpose, to make sure humans and monsters would never live in peace. The closer she is to using her Rhabdophobia magic, betty glitchtale, the pinker her hair will be, betty glitchtale, starting from the bottom. Once Rhabdophobia is available for her, her hair becomes completely pink with no trace of brown. She wears a magenta skirt with torn edges as seen betty glitchtale the My Promise betty glitchtale referencing Amber's torn skirt in Glitchtale Origins: The Black Beasta light purple turtleneck with a large light pink stripe at its bottom, light purple leggings and knee-length brown boots.

During her temporary acquaintance with Jessica Grey , they both were responsible for framing Papyrus and the murder of Sans. However, in her final fight against W. Before she existed, her soul resided in Agate Lightvale. When Agate and Copper began to argue over the barrier, their tempers flared, and they fought, while Amber watched. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled. While Agate was gone, she sought a trait that could defeat Determination. When Agate returned to the kingdom, Copper and Amber gave her a warm welcome due to her long disappearance.

Betty glitchtale


Bete says that they have trapped her in a chain, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, betty glitchtale. This arrogance betty glitchtale the same as idiocy, as she will back out when it is obvious she can't win, like when HATE took over in Love Part 1, or when everyone came to Frisk's rescue in Love Part 2. She managed to activate betty glitchtale, and it attacked her.


During her temporary acquaintance with Jessica Grey , they both were responsible for framing Papyrus and the murder of Sans. However, in her final fight against W. Before she existed, her soul resided in Agate Lightvale. When Agate and Copper began to argue over the barrier, their tempers flared, and they fought, while Amber watched. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled.

Betty glitchtale

The characters page for Glitchtale. Beware of unmarked spoilers. The protagonist of Undertale , and the only soul of pure Determination on the planet. The Atoner : Season 1 begins with Frisk trying to make up for going on the genocide route; later episodes show that their behavior was even worse than this before the start of the series, with them playing around with the monsters' lives countless times, seemingly out of nothing but curiosity. In Episode 5, their decision to trade places with Chara and ceasing to exist in the real world seems to be motivated in part by their desire to take responsibility for this, and for screwing over Chara and glitching the timeline in the past. Adaptational Angst Upgrade : While it's certainly possible to replicate most of the events that set up the series, where this really comes into play is the revelation that Frisk was, at least in their mind, in danger of being removed from existence, similar to Gaster. Ambiguous Gender : Played with. Word of God states Frisk is male, but is almost exclusively referred to by gender neutral pronouns save for one instance in late Season Two that has Betty identify them as a boy. Ambiguous Situation : Frisk explains to Asriel in Part 1 of Love that once they destroyed the reset button, they planned to return to their "black screen" and let all the monsters live on the surface without them, only to wake up and be startled to find that everything was continuing with them , making the nature of their existence ambiguous.

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Nevertheless, despite appearing sweet and innocent, Bete's false personality quickly dissipated after Asriel and Sans discovered some AMD camera footage of her acting suspicious. Outside, she questions why Gaster is in the Arena in the first place. Glitchtale Wiki Explore. Akumu comforted her as the Kumulings she created to gather human souls from the school arrived. Before the two could leave, Bete entered the room. Bete's shell coming off from one of the lasers from Mettaton , possibly being her actual form. Bete began to notice Toriel , Asgore , Gaster , and everyone else approaching. Then, she pitifully asks why he tries so hard on a battle which he can't win, he says of how he just needed to take some time. Bete wickedly smiling, as seen from an image from Frisk 's imagination. Current Wiki. As she prepares to deal the finishing blow, Muffet ties her up with her webs. Same as before, but she is constantly generating magic. The two also saw a recording of her leaving Gaster 's lab during the conference. Able to fight Hyperdeath Asriel and Animosity Chara simultaneously.

Adorkable : Undyne's blushy little face when she interacts with Alphys. She also has some of the most adorkable moments with Alphys. Betty and Kumu, of all characters, tend to have very sweet and endearing moments when in the company of each other and nobody else, with Kumu transforming into a tiny version of Betty just to keep the real one entertained.

In fact, Bete is known for attempting to kill anyone in her way. She then says of how it's just the beginning for her, but for Chara , it's Game Over. She also a skill fighter because Agate was, in fact, a very skilled and experienced fighter. When they arrived, Bete decided to go talk to Mettaton, while Papyrus spotted a girl stuck on a crane that was holding slabs of steel. Unfortunately for her, Undyne just created more spears, annihilating Bete's spears, and ripping through the shield Akumu made. He prepared another attack, before retreating after remembering Sans telling him to warn the others. The two of them then saw the recording where Frisk saved Bete from the car in the previous episode. During the demonstration, however, a pink blob-like creature popped out of Bete. Upon learning about her unique soul trait, Gaster started researching about "Bete's Soul". Season 1 Megalomaniac Yet Darker Determination. This arrogance isn't the same as idiocy, as she will back out when it is obvious she can't win, like when HATE took over in Love Part 1, or when everyone came to Frisk's rescue in Love Part 2. Afterward, Bete revealed her sadistic personality, quickly indicating that she enjoys it when she severely hurts others both physically and emotionally , showing that she has a very sadistic, psychotic, violent personality.

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