betta tank mates 5 gallon

Betta tank mates 5 gallon

Betta fish are very territorial, making it dangerous to house them with other bettas. If you add the wrong fish, the betta will fight them!

Last Updated: February 23, If you buy something through a link on this page, I may earn a small commission. Learn more. There are many betta fish tank mates or companions that can live with male or female bettas under the right conditions. This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. Throughout history, the betta fish or Siamese fighting fish was continuously bred for its territorial aggression.

Betta tank mates 5 gallon

B etta fish have a reputation for being feisty and territorial, and they're generally considered to be poor tank mates—but that's not always the case. Yes, bettas can be aggressive, especially males against other males, which is why they should generally not be kept together in the same tank. Snails are some of the best tank mates for bettas. Mystery snails in particular are a great option as they clean up algae, consume uneaten food, are extremely docile and have a hard shell to retreat into in the event your betta is particularly curious. Nerite snails are another great choice and have intricate shell patterns that add an interesting visual element to your tank. There are several shrimp species that can coexist well with your fish. Ghost shrimp and red cherry shrimp are both good candidates for this role, and make great members of your aquarium cleanup crew. Nothing goes to waste with shrimp in a tank, and both of these varieties are fascinating to watch in the aquarium. They do particularly well with live plants, too. These dwarf frogs get along well with bettas because they interact very little, if at all. They prefer living in small groups of two or more, and like to explore their surroundings. They have lungs not gills, so they come up to the surface to breathe. Corys are perfect additions to a community betta tank. They are non-aggressive, easy to care for, live at the bottom of the tank and do best in groups of at least five individuals.

JGarratt4 Posted October 2,

Hi guys! So excited to join the aquarium community again. I had tanks all the time growing up as a kid, but they never seemed to pan out. And I finally took the plunge. I went to my LFS and they were great.

Thank you for visiting! Are you looking for some tank mates for your betta? The truth is, betta fish do great with other fish, as long as you know which species to choose. Many fishkeepers start out with a single male betta in a nano tank as their first aquarium. Fishkeeping is such a fascinating hobby that those keepers soon start looking for new fish to add to their betta tank. Bettas live peacefully with many other fish in their natural habitat and in home aquariums, the trick is just to know which fish to avoid! Bettas have earned their reputation for being highly aggressive and territorial towards other bettas. In fact, male bettas were kept for fighting with other male bettas as a sport, and this is why betta fish are also called Siamese fighting fish. Betta fish are usually kept in small aquariums. For example, some aquarium fish that grow to just half the size of a betta fish need 15 gallons or more to be comfortable!

Betta tank mates 5 gallon

Betta fish are very territorial, making it dangerous to house them with other bettas. If you add the wrong fish, the betta will fight them! Bettas also avoid fish that swim along the bottom or in groups.

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Explore Our Forums. How about zebra danios? Snails are some of the best tank mates for bettas. Minimum tank size: 15 gallons Tetras are shoaling fishes, and as such, prefer to live in groups of at least six. He would just flare up and swim around it but not like he use to. I am fininding this site incredibly helpful. Adult amanos are pretty big to be bothered by khuli loaches Thanks Eric, and there are many different variations of snails that are okay to live with a betta. I started off with one plant from the Co-Op and it filled in the back corner of my 10 gallon. Due to some other stupid mistakes I also made, he was gone within a couple of months. I do have lots of hiding places and everyone has their favorite hangout space. Neon tetras are too fast for a betta to catch and female bettas arent as aggressive as males. In short, yes they can, but be prepared to monitor closely how they react together. Think I might try to get 3 Kuhli Loaches and some shrimp to help control algae, and the loaches can help pick up any left over food, etc.

You will find lots of statistics and figures that show that keeping a Betta fish with any other aquatic animal would be dangerous on the internet.

Younger females tend to react better than elders who are used to seclusion. Posted September 29, You'll know roughly how many PPM a half or full pump will increase the nitrates by. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Males are more colorful than females. Most Popular. FREE day shipping. Next, platyfish can be good companions for bettas. Mollies are another shoaling fish, meaning they travel in groups. Fluval Spec Aquarium Kit, 2. There is no nipping and they are very peaceful. They are doing well too. It's happy with all of them as long as I give it some Easy Green.

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