best burn commander

Best burn commander

Magic: the Gathering. In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn! By Pedro Braga.

Burn is one of the most quintessentially red archetypes in Magic: The Gathering. It's about targeting your opponent's life totals above all else, with the aim of burning your enemies to the ground before they have the chance to take you out. While burn isn't nearly as popular in Commander as other constructed formats, quality burn commanders continue to be released year after year. There's never been a better time to start playing with burn in the format. The power of your deck is greatly dependent on the abilities of your commander, and these burn commanders all come with unique abilities to take down your opponents. Updated December 13, , by Ryan Hay: There's only so much burn your opponents can handle before they throw in the towel and with these Commanders, you can pick up the pace to burn them out a little faster than usual.

Best burn commander


Each time you loop the two cards you deal two instances of one damage to best burn commander opponent, eventually both giving you an infinite number of creature tokens and an infinite amount of damage. These burn commanders come with unique abilities that enhance your deck's power and allow you to take down your opponents faster.


June 28, by Benjamin Nicol. Feel like your deck just is not coming together? Welcome to Solve the Equation , where we take a look at the numbers and see what's making your deck and in-game decision-making fall flat. I love playing burn decks! There is something about slinging Lightning Bolt s at an opponent's face that's cathartic for me. Unfortunately, while burn is a viable aggro strategy in many other formats, it has long been an underachiever in Commander. The math gets a lot hairier here. Burn decks perform best when there is as little thinking to do as possible.

Best burn commander

Burn is one of the most quintessentially red archetypes in Magic: The Gathering. It's about targeting your opponent's life totals above all else, with the aim of burning your enemies to the ground before they have the chance to take you out. While burn isn't nearly as popular in Commander as other constructed formats, quality burn commanders continue to be released year after year. There's never been a better time to start playing with burn in the format. The power of your deck is greatly dependent on the abilities of your commander, and these burn commanders all come with unique abilities to take down your opponents. Updated December 13, , by Ryan Hay: There's only so much burn your opponents can handle before they throw in the towel and with these Commanders, you can pick up the pace to burn them out a little faster than usual.

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Burning your opponents has never felt better than with Imodane, the Pyrohammer in play. Obosh is an incredibly easy commander to end the game with, as many decent Red spells become win-cons when paired with it. Honorable Mention — Toralf, God of Fury. If your opponents can't make use of that mana, Yurlok will burn them out. Another of these strategies, and the one we'll discuss today, is Burn. And yes, Toralf player, I know that all you are waiting for is resolving a Blasphemous Act. It also deals two damage to any target of your choice when you cast an instant or sorcery. And in a more fun side strategy, you can make decks with several sources that drip 1 damage, like Brimstone Trebuchet and Lobber Crew and increase the speed of that aggression. Despite the restriction, it's pretty obvious the damage this creature does, increasing the performance of your spells and creatures. While it doesn't have the best burn effect on this list, it makes up for it by striking a good balance between dealing damage to opponents and keeping you alive. Every time you cast a red spell, you can trigger Chandra's tap ability again, pinging away at an enemy life total. Anytime you target a single creature with a burn spell, you get to deal the amount of damage it deals to each opponent as well. Adding a bonus two points to every piece of damage your red spells deal is a hugely powerful effect, especially in decks where you're swinging with a large army of small creatures. While easily a commander focused on dealing tons of damage with instants and sorceries and directing them at the opponent, which is a simple way to describe the Burn experience, Toralf, God of Fury fits best as one of the 99 cards in any deck presented below, turning its single strategy into one more branch of your game plan. The slight downside to the commander is that if a spell would deal more damage than Ojer Axonil's power, that spell doesn't get a boost like other burn commanders.

Magic: the Gathering. In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!

Through Aegar's ability and the addition of creatures like Calamity Bearer , we can create moments when the deck's value stands out in a point that generates dozens of options in your hand, allowing you to have a great game. Come talk to us about Magic: the Gathering here! Thinking about them, I made this list that seeks to avoid the greatest weakness of the archetype and build something solid on top of it. With the ability to make your red instants and sorceries have lifelink and your white spells become Lightning Bolt s that don't target planeswalkers, and even allowing those two abilities to combine in cases like Lightning Helix , make this legendary creature perfect for Burn. And yes, Toralf player, I know that all you are waiting for is resolving a Blasphemous Act. With its Three Autostubs ability, Ghyrson deals two damage to a permanent or player so long as you deal exactly one damage to it, giving you a total of three damage to a target. That mana is then used in the second main phase of the game to get your plans rolling as predicted. Jamming your deck full of removal, burn, and life-stealing spells will turn Tor Wauki into a rapid-firing machine. While likely not necessary given the power behind this commander, if you choose to modify Ojer Axonil's power through counters, equipment, or auras, you also get to upgrade your burn spells. Neheb's mana ability is especially great in decks with a Dragon tribal subtheme, as the huge damage that the Dragons output produces enough mana to cast even more massive Dragons. First Place — Firesong and Sunspeaker.

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