bench press wiki

Bench press wiki

The bench pressor chest pressis a weight training exercise where a person presses a weight upwards while lying horizontally on a weight training bench. Although the bench press is a compound movementthe muscles primarily used are the pectoralis majorbench press wiki, the anterior deltoidsand the tricepsamong other stabilizing bench press wiki.

The bench press is a strength training exercise in which, while lying in a supine position, the person performing the press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows come close not completely to being locked out to mitigate injury. The bench press is one of the three lifts in the sport of powerlifting and is used extensively in weight training, bodybuilding and other types of fitness training to develop the chest. The bench press primarily utilizes the pectoralis major and the triceps , though other muscles that are involved are the deltoids , serratus anterior , and the coracobrachialis , along with a multitude of stabilizers. There is a specific form to the bench press which reduces the chance of injury and maximally challenges the muscles of the chest. A barbell bench press' starting position is to be lying on a bench, with the shoulder blades pinched together to avoid recruiting the anterior deltoid during the lift. Feet are kept flat on the ground or end of the bench, with the buttocks always in contact with the bench.

Bench press wiki

Last Updated: February 23, References. This article was co-authored by Michele Dolan. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since This article has been viewed , times. Do you want to build up that chest of yours? What about those skinny arms? Bench pressing targets both of these areas, as well as your shoulders, and you will see results quickly as long as you give yourself ample rest between your workout sessions. To do a bench press, lie on your back on the bench with your feet flat on the ground. Put your arms straight out to your sides, then bend your elbows up towards the ceiling and grab the bar. Lift the bar with the weights and slowly bring it down to your chest.

Both close and wide hand spacing trains the deltoid area. Bahasa Indonesia: Melakukan Bench Press. August

The bench press , or chest press , is a weight training exercise where a person presses a weight upwards while lying horizontally on a weight training bench. Although the bench press is a compound movement , the muscles primarily used are the pectoralis major , the anterior deltoids , and the triceps , among other stabilizing muscles. A barbell is generally used to hold the weight, but a pair of dumbbells can also be used. The barbell bench press is one of three lifts in the sport of powerlifting alongside the deadlift and the squat. These are the only lifts in the sport of Paralympic powerlifting.

Text and graphics from the StrengthLog app. The barbell bench press is one of the most popular exercises in the world and one of the best chest exercises you can do. Enter the number of reps you can do with a given weight and hit enter, and we will calculate your one-rep max and your 1—10RM. It is one of the most accurate formulas for calculating 1RM in the squat , bench press, and deadlift. These are average bench press standards based on the users of our workout tracker StrengthLog. You can view all our bench press programs here. There are many ways to classify experience level, but I like the clarity of these definitions from Practical Programming :. For example: If you could lift kg for five reps last week, and can lift

Bench press wiki

Upon entering the gym, keen observers will note the almost mythical attraction this lift has for trainees of all experience levels. Those entering the gym for both the first and the five hundredth time test their strength against The Bench. As is the case with so many lifts, the bench press did not emerge as a fully coherent lift for many decades. There were predecessors and pretenders to the throne along the way. What the health lift was for the deadlift, the pullover and press was for the bench press — they planted the seed for what would become one of the foundational big three. While undoubtedly we could begin the history in Ancient Greece when soldiers would use push-ups for chest development, it seems best placed to begin instead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This was the time of physical culture. Led by names like Eugen Sandow, Arthur Saxon and George Hackenschmidt amongst others, physical culture represented a worldwide health phenomenon interested in matters of bodily development.

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Pat Casey presses Lower the bar slowly, without allowing it to free-fall, as too much speed can place excessive stress on joints. York Daily Record. Ryan Kennelly presses kg 1, lb September 22— Method 2. PMC Williams, Pete. The lifter then positions themselves under the bar near the neck and positions their arms for the bench press. Use the smooth rings in the bar as a reference for even hand placement. Make sure both arms are roughly equal in strength. Don't have an account? Strength and Conditioning Journal.

The Bench Press, one of the most primitive and effective exercises in the weight room. Having previously examined the history of the squat , it only seems fair to look at the history of the gym rats favourite exercise.

Inhale as you lower it down, gently touching your chest — the middle of the sternum — with the bar. The bench press is used as a test of upper-body explosive strength during the NFL combine, where prospective NFL draft picks attempt to get as many reps of lbs as possible. This stood as a record for 18 years until Joe Nordquest broke it by 1 kilogram 2. Many of these possible injuries can be avoided by using dumbbells instead of a barbell since dumbbells can be dropped without hitting the chest or neck, while also allowing greater external rotation of the shoulder which can help prevent shoulder injuries. Co-authors: World Powerlifting Organization. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 4. Graham August Please log in with your username or email to continue. Rest according to how you feel between sets. Put your arms straight out to your sides, then bend your elbows up towards the ceiling and grab the bar.

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