ben skywalker

Ben skywalker

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The man who faced down the entire Empire with a laser sword?! Well, kind of. His mother? Born in the midst of a galaxy-spanning war, Ben Skywalker came from a Legendary lineage and had tremendous shoes to fill. And fill them he did. On top of all that, once the evil, horrible, no-good, very bad Yuuzhan Vong were eventually vanquished, or, er, relocated, Ben was ready to settle into some regular, old-school, boring Master-Padawan Jedi tutelage under his heroic uncle Jacen Solo.

Ben skywalker

As both of his parents were Jedi, they were unable to spend time with him as they fought in the war, so Skywalker was taken care of by his aunt and uncle, former New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and ex-smuggler and Rebel General Han Solo. He was subsequently moved to the Shelter in the Maw, where many other young Jedi stayed. The Yuuzhan Vong were eventually repelled and a ceasefire was negotiated, but young Skywalker felt the pain of war through the Force, overwhelming him and causing him to close himself off from the Force for several ye …more [close] Ben Skywalker was a Human male Jedi Knight from Coruscant, active during the Second Galactic Civil War and the period afterward. The Yuuzhan Vong were eventually repelled and a ceasefire was negotiated, but young Skywalker felt the pain of war through the Force, overwhelming him and causing him to close himself off from the Force for several years. In 35 ABY, Skywalker, now eight years old, became involved in another galactic crisis. Skywalker became partially joined to the Gorog Killik nest, otherwise known as the Dark Nest. The Killiks had recently been discovered in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, when a group of Jedi Knights heard their telepathic call and followed it to the Unknown Regions. Skywalker had an owner-pet relationship with one of the Gorog Killiks, who was actually trying to turn him against his mother. Eventually his parents discovered the Killik's plan and captured it. During this time, Skywalker was taken under the wing of his cousin Jacen Solo, who became his informal Jedi Master. Solo, who had just returned to the New Jedi Order after a five-year journey to learn more about the Force, was able to help Skywalker open himself up to the Force gradually. Skywalker was still apprehensive about the Force for a while, and it would take him years to become fully adjusted to the Force. With Solo's guidance, Skywalker was able to grow confident in his usage of the Force and become a powerful Jedi.

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If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Ben Skywalker was one of the main protagonists in the Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi series. He was separated from his parents shortly after he was born, both to protect him and to allow them to fight against the enemy. Skywalker was taken in by his aunt and uncle, Han and Leia Solo and brought up on Coruscant. When the Yuuzhan Vong launched their attack on the capital planet, Skywalker was kept in several secure locations for the rest of the war. With the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, Luke and Mara resolved to spend more time with their son, but the rigors of leading the New Jedi Order conspired to keep them apart. During the Swarm War, Skywalker unknowingly befriended the assassin bugs of the Dark Nest, unaware that he was putting his family in danger.

Ben Skywalker was known as a highly courageous, honorable, loyal and fair person. Skywalker loved Mara Jade very much and often trusted his mother with sensitive information rather than his father, who he, in a way, feared. However, he grew much closer to his father as he grew older. As a young boy, Skywalker was a very affable, social child, often teasing his cousins and other relatives. After the Yuuzhan Vong War, the pain that young Skywalker felt through the Force overwhelmed him, causing him to withdraw from the Force. Although this greatly worried his parents, Jacen Solo was able to help Skywalker reopen himself to the Force, and Skywalker formed a close relationship with his older cousin.

Ben skywalker

The Skywalker family is a fictional legendary human family in the Star Wars franchise. Within the series' fictional universe , the Skywalkers are presented as a bloodline with strong inherent capabilities related to the Force and sometimes lightsaber skills. Leia and Han Solo 's son, Ben Solo, renamed himself Kylo Ren and is the main antagonist in the sequel film trilogy , while they and Luke serve as supporting characters. The Skywalker bloodline, alongside the Palpatine bloodline , are the two bloodlines that are the strongest with the Force. Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians Force -imparting microorganisms. As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training. Shmi later dies after being kidnapped and taken away by Tusken Raiders. Owen tells Anakin they are stepbrothers and later marries Beru Whitesun.

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This caused widespread debate amongst the Jedi ranks, with Jedi arguing over whether they should risk the possibility of war to save Han and Luke. She also admitted that she was present during the events at Toryaz Station but denied that she was actually involved in the assault. Meanwhile, some of its greatest heroes have vanished in its most dire time of need. Jacen, now a complete master of the Force, has his own plans to bring order to the galaxy. Upon meeting the Queen Mother, Ben met her newborn daughter and learned that Jacen was the father. Using his smaller size and his skill in stealth, Skywalker was able to sneak past CorSec checkpoints and guard stations to get closer to his destination. While Dinn admonished Solo for using such extreme methods, Skywalker examined the Y-wing. The Embrace of Pain was a rack-like torture device made by the Yuuzhan Vong, which had been used by Vergere on Caedus after he was captured on Myrkr. Boulevard, April Skywalker, lean from starvation, weighed his options, coming to the conclusion that cannibalizing Kiara was the most logical choice, but refused to do so. Refresh and try again. Since Solo suspected that Galney was behind the assassination attempt due to her closeness to Djo, Solo ordered Skywalker to escort Lady Galney back to her quarters and keep a close eye on her during her inspection. Soon, Luke suspects Ben has been influenced by Snoke , and ignites his lightsaber because of instinct in an attempt to kill Ben in his sleep to prevent him from causing destruction. For others it could be the ultimate weapon of conquest. At last Burra , one of the older Hidden Ones, gave in, revealing he knew of a secret turbolift chamber that led to the surface.

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Once the tests ended, Rar found a way to escape, bringing the Gorog along with her. Along the way, they uncovered a planet of Sith, and ended up allying with them. Skywalker wept as the two sped away, mourning the loss of his friend, all the while pleading to Shevu to go back to the spaceport and pick Lekauf back up. While trying to decode the message, Solo was referred to the world of Lorrd , a repository of academic information. One day while practicing his lightsaber skills with a remote , he met a girl who introduced herself as Seha Dorvald. But the secrets Luke uncovers may bring his quest—and life as he knows it—to a sudden end. Shesh initially attempted to take Skywalker in his aunt and uncle's home, but her plan was foiled. Fearing the worst, the Alliance readies a preemptive display of military might in a bid to bring the rogue worlds to heel before an uprising erupts. Shmi later dies after being kidnapped and taken away by Tusken Raiders. And as Luke, Ben, Han, Leia, Jaina, Jag, and their allies close in, the devastating truth about the dark side incarnate will be exposed—and send shock waves through the Jedi Order, the galaxy, and the Force itself.

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