Baratheon king

Now, 17 years later, Jon Arrynacting baratheon king Robert's "Hand," died, making Robert ask his old friend ned Stark to take his place.

Robert, a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion , which began when the Prince of Dragonstone , Rhaegar Targaryen , allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. Killing Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident , his climactic duel turned the tides of the war in his favor. After the war and following Lyanna's death, Robert married Cersei Lannister to cement an alliance with House Lannister to hold the kingdoms together, but he mistreated her and the marriage was loveless. Robert also had two younger brothers, Stannis and Renly. He and Cersei had three children: Joffrey , Myrcella , and Tommen. However, unbeknownst to Robert and most of the realm, all three were actually fathered by Cersei's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. On the other hand, Robert had many bastards from other women, including Gendry and Barra.

Baratheon king

Roughly sixteen years have passed since Robert's Rebellion, i. Robert I is promiscuous, and sires numerous illegitimate children, while his late Hand, Jon Arryn did his best to keep him grounded. Things take an interesting turn after the mysterious "death" of Jon Arryn, and Robert I is forced to ask his oldest friend, who followed him to war, to be his Hand. Shortly afterward, the king himself is killed by his wife, Cersei, and the Lannisters become the true power in Westeros , in that, Robert I has no trueborn children. The two boy kings who rule after him are born out of incest between Cersei and her brother, Jaime. While House Baratheon of Storm's End is a relatively young Great House of Westeros, the question remains, how did it rise to prominence? Before the Targaryen unification, the continent of Westeros was divided into seven warring kingdoms namely, the Kingdom of North, the Kingdom of the Vale, the Iron Islands and the Riverlands, the Westerlands, the Reach, the Stormlands and Dorne. The establishment of House Baratheon has to do with the Targaryen conquest of the Stormlands, and the last of the Storm Kings, namely, Argilac Durrandon. Before Aegon landed on Westeros' mainland to begin his expansionism, the aggression had already begun in the wake of Argilac cutting off the hands of aTargaryen envoy. This event catapulted into the War of Conquest fought across the Seven Kingdoms. Argilac the Arrogant feared an onslaught in the Stormlands from Harren Hoare and sought to marry his heir, Argella to Aegon in an attempt to establish a buffer between him and Harren's kingdom. To that end, he sent an envoy to Dragonstone and promised the lands east of the Gods Eye from the Trident to the Blackwater Rush in Argella's dowry. Aegon declined, but offered his confidant, rumored half-brother and a general in his army, Orys Baratheon's hand in this marriage instead. This counterproposal angered Argilac, and he sent Aegon's envoy's hands to Dragonstone with the message:.

During the wake of his deceased grandfather, Tommen is approached by Margaery, who shares a few close words with him baratheon king holds his hand briefly. Category Outline.

Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. After the unexpected death of his brother Joffrey Baratheon , he is crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms, although he soon falls under the warring influences of his mother Cersei and wife Margaery. Prince Tommen Baratheon is the younger brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister 's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister , but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome and sweet-natured but weak-willed.

Following the deposition of House Targaryen , and subsequent ascension of his eldest brother, Robert , he was granted the title of Lord Paramount of the Stormlands , despite his youth. He also served as Master of Laws on Robert's Small Council , but abandoned the latter position when laying claim to the Iron Throne upon Robert's death. Renly is the third and youngest son of Steffon and Cassana Baratheon. Renly has two older brothers Robert and Stannis. Their parents died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his father's titles.

Baratheon king

Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. After the unexpected death of his brother Joffrey Baratheon , he is crowned king of the Seven Kingdoms, although he soon falls under the warring influences of his mother Cersei and wife Margaery. Prince Tommen Baratheon is the younger brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister 's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister , but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome and sweet-natured but weak-willed. Many characters in the narrative believe he would make a better, and more pliant, king than his brother Joffrey. He loves his kittens, and keeps several in both the novels and television show. Tommen Baratheon is not a point of view character in the novels, so his actions are witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his mother Cersei Lannister , his uncle Tyrion Lannister , and Sansa Stark. Tommen is mostly a background character in the novels. Tommen is a submissive child and, as a result, does everything that is asked of him.

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Later on, to add stupidity to absurdity, he arrogantly claimed that he saved King's Landing and personally broke Stannis Baratheon at the Battle of the Blackwater, when it was in fact entirely down to his uncle and grandfather's military efforts, whereas Joffrey turned coward and fled the battle, and Stannis himself was not entirely broken because he could still pose a threat to his opponents in the war and his claim still stood to reason. Episode 2 3. He rarely killed manually nor did he initiate a fight where his opponent stood a decent chance of besting him. Joffrey forces one prostitute to brutally beat the other whilst threatening them both with a crossbow, as a message to Tyrion that he will tolerate no further interference. Days later, on the Kingsroad south to the capital, Robert calls a halt to discuss some newly-arrived dire news with Eddard. Categories : A Song of Ice and Fire characters Child characters in literature Child characters in television Literary characters introduced in Fictional kings Fictional princes Fictional suicides Male characters in literature Male characters in television Teenage characters in literature Teenage characters in television Television characters introduced in King of the Narrow Sea 5. Promise me, Ned. Delena Florent [b]. He also boasted, before the Battle of the Blackwater , that he would personally engage Stannis and kill him in combat, but never crossed the latter in combat throughout the entirety of the battle. Only you.

An esteemed warrior in his youth, Robert's prowess in battle fades throughout his reign, along with his enthusiasm for rulership.

Sansa assures him that he will. Although Robert's reign is relatively peaceful, he proves to be an ineffective ruler. Margaery Tyrell Deceased. Joffrey was a cruel, arrogant, stupid, and sadistic man who became the King of Westeros. Robert Baratheon costume on display at Wondercon Cersei claims that at some point prior to his death possibly as he lay mortally wounded after the boar hunt , Robert specified that he did not want to be buried in the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing, where the remains of previous kings from the Targaryen dynasty are interred; instead, as per Robert's instructions he was buried alongside his forefathers at his family's ancestral castle, Storm's End. People often commented derogatorily that he was a drunken fool which was true to an extent , and failed sometimes to see past his powerful temper. After his death, Robert's bastards are ordered to be killed by his heir Joffrey Baratheon , Robert's supposed legal heir and the new king; Gendry , subsequently flees the capital. Meanwhile, Bran Stark discovers the true identity of Jon Snow's mother was none other than Lyanna Stark, who died shortly after giving birth to him. Cassana Estermont [a]. The guards are quickly overwhelmed by dozens of starving and desperate people and Joffrey barely escapes the riot under the protection of his Kingsguard, City Watch, and Lannister soldiers but then Tyrion publicly berates him for being a "vicious idiot. A sortie led by the Hound fails to drive the attackers back. Joffrey's reckless decision to execute Ned Stark on false charges of treason ignited the War of the Five Kings. The royal party arrives in Winterfell and Eddard presents his household to Robert.

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