azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Fox received her veterinary education at Cornell University and has plus years of experience in the field. She has worked in emergency, shelter, medicine, surgery, and general medicine. Fox is passionate about client education and making sure pet parents have the most up-to-date, accurate, and accessible information to empower them as caregivers and companions. Azithromycin is an antibiotic that is sometimes azithromycin for cats dosage chart to cats for bacterial infections, especially in the respiratory tract.

Content Sponsored by Chewy. The most common uses of azithromycin in pets are for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible microorganisms involving the skin, respiratory tract, and urogenital systems. Additional uses are for the treatment of otitis media inner ear infections , bacterial causes of keratitis and conjunctivitis , cyclosporine-induced gingival hyperplasia , acute cytauxzoonosis , toxoplasmosis , and Babesia gibsoni infections. There is also evidence that azithromycin may aid in the treatment of viral papillomatosis in dogs. Other formulations are generally available by special order. Azithromycin is supplied as:. Azithromycin, invented in and derived from erythromycin, belongs to the azalide subclass of macrolide antibiotics.

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Azithromycin is an antibiotic commonly used to treat certain bacterial infections in cats. Bottle sizes include 15ml and 30ml sizes. Azithromycin, the common brand name for which is Zithromax, is classified as a macrolide antibiotic. It does have a fairly broad spectrum of action against many different kinds of bacteria. Azithromycin is most often used in cats for upper respiratory infections , especially conditions that are chronic, recurrent, or refractory to other antibiotic therapies. It is therefore may be used more in select cases and not as a first-line choice. It is also thought to have some activity against certain protozoal microorganisms like Toxoplasma and Babesia as well, though better efficacy may be seen in combination with other appropriate medications. Bacteriostatic antibiotics do kill susceptible bacteria, they simply require a higher concentration to do so. A study in Clinical Infectious Diseases comparing bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics in people highlights this distinction. Researchers found that not only were bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics about equivalent in efficacy most of the time, but that in cases where there was a difference, bacteriostatic antibiotics often appeared superior and more cost effective. Unlike most antibiotics, azithromycin also has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects. Although these effects are not well understood in animals, these benefits likely contribute to improvements seen in cats with chronic rhinosinusitis and stomatitis inflammation in the mouth. Also while not very well understood in animals, azithromycin does have some promotility effects on the gastrointestinal tract in people meaning it helps the GI tract move food along and some of these effects have also been reported in dogs and cats. A unique characteristic of azithromycin is that it can remain in tissues much longer than other antibiotics.

Your email address will not be published. Like many antibiotics, however, it can sometimes upset their digestive tract. Develop and improve services.


Azithromycin is not an FDA Approved medicine for cats ; however, this can be legally prescribed by the veterinarian off-label. According to the veterinarian, Azithromycin is a safe alternative for felines allergic to penicillin or issues not well-treated with penicillin. Self-medication can be toxic and even fatal. Feline health should be a priority for every cat owner; therefore, learning the essential requirements of the medicine for pet use to avoid any overdosing or other severe complications is essential. This blog post is a comprehensive and ultimate guide about Azithromycin dosage for dogs, dose chart , benefits, side effects, safety precautions, dose calculator and more. The dose can be increased, decreased or stopped depending on the health condition of the pet. For safety precautions, always go with the less dosage.

Azithromycin for cats dosage chart

Azithromycin is a widely used antibiotic in veterinary medicine, particularly for the treatment of various bacterial infections in cats. Azithromycin is a type of macrolide antibiotic that works by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria. This medication is commonly prescribed to treat a range of bacterial infections in cats, including respiratory tract infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections. It is also effective against certain protozoal infections, such as toxoplasmosis. One of the key advantages of azithromycin is its broad-spectrum activity, meaning it is effective against a wide range of bacteria. This makes it a versatile treatment option for various infections in cats. Additionally, azithromycin has a long half-life, which means it remains active in the body for a prolonged period, allowing for less frequent dosing. When administering azithromycin to your cat, it is crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment.


The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. How many days can my cat be on this drug before going to every 72 hrs My cat is still showing acute symptoms? Azithromycin is an effective antibiotic against most of the bacteria typically susceptible to it. Azithromycin also has some anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties sometimes making it a prescription choice for stomatitis mouth inflammation in cats. In unusual cases, it can cause elevations in liver enzymes that are measured on routine blood tests. For this reason, the actual dosage for a kitty should only be provided by an attending veterinarian to ensure the drug is being used properly and responsibly. In This Article Expand. If using the commercially-available liquid suspension product, it is suggested to discard it 10 days after reconstitution. A unique characteristic of azithromycin is that it can remain in tissues much longer than other antibiotics. It should therefore only be used for such purposes in select cases under advisement by a veterinarian. It is not considered the first choice antibiotic for these infections most of the time, however, it does have some properties that make it a good choice in the right circumstances. One of them has a very weepy eye and is occasionally coughing. These are the kinds of reactions that cannot be predicted, but in a very small number of patients can cause signs of severe allergic reaction such as hives, swelling of the face, or difficulty breathing. The only contraindications for feline interferon omega include concurrent use with vaccination, myelosuppressive drugs drugs that suppress bone marrow activity , and hepatotoxic agents drugs that can be really hard on liver metabolism. These are drugs primarily used to treat specific bacterial infections.

Fox received her veterinary education at Cornell University and has plus years of experience in the field.

How many days can my cat be on this drug before going to every 72 hrs My cat is still showing acute symptoms? It is therefore may be used more in select cases and not as a first-line choice. It would be best to focus efforts on trapping this cat as you mentioned. That would provide options for a more accurate diagnosis. While it has some prokinetic effects on the GI tract, it is uncommonly used for this purpose in cats. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Some others may also call for higher doses only twice a week. Overdoses of azithromycin may be more likely to lead to these adverse effects and its pro-kinetic effects on GI motility could also cause abdominal discomfort from cramping. Researchers found that not only were bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics about equivalent in efficacy most of the time, but that in cases where there was a difference, bacteriostatic antibiotics often appeared superior and more cost effective. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. It is important to mention that azithromycin can be compounded into some different forms, in which case the 10 day limit may no longer apply. The best way to determine if your cat needs an antibiotic and which one will be most effective to use, is to have your cat examined by your veterinarian.

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