apollonia saintclair

Apollonia saintclair

Order now : apolloniasaintclair, apollonia saintclair. Anyone who missed the campaign can still order Volume 6, the collector box, the poster and the stickers on our website : apolloniasaintclair.

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Apollonia saintclair

Sell as Gallery Upload your artist's works to the next generation of online marketplace. Boost the discoverability of your artists and their works by the world's largest online community of private collectors. Learn More. Sell Works from Your Collection Reach a global community of qualified buyers through our experienced brokerage team. Utilise private offerings, limited audience VIP mailings, public auctions and other sales avenues. Contact us to discuss your options. Contact Us. Visual Search Our Visual Search can help you find your next artwork. Skip sifting through thousands of artworks, and get a selection curated just for you. Try Visual Search. The Artlander Magazine Our editorial team provides you with exclusive stories to add colour to your experience of the art world. Visit Magazine.

Orange D97F Blue B8E6F9.


DM: Your stirring, tantalising work intertwines surrealist, erotic, neo-noir, and grotesque elements. Talk to us about the creative process behind your dreamlike scenes. How do you generate these fascinating concepts? A: Creating an image is somehow like being a sleepwalker: you are aware, but it is a kind of scrambled awareness, as if someone else is taking over and leading you. It begins often with an image or a fragment gleaned from somewhere, which fixes my attention, like an attachment point, without my understanding why. Around that primer, I try to imagine a story, a reason that explains this moment, this snapshot: I am looking for the missing parts of the image. At the same time, I do sketches to set up the composition, to place the geometry inside the frame, to adjust the masses of shadows and light to obtain maximum effect. Visual necessities push me to introduce elements for which I also have to find a narrative role. And each image is also the expression of a purely visual desire, of the desire to create in terms of form, to push the limits of my technical knowledge. I immediately saw, superimposed, the arrows stuck in her flesh.

Apollonia saintclair

The black and white drawings of Apollonia Saintclair appeared from nowhere on the Web in A self-taught illustrator with a tortuous past, Apollonia draws for her pleasure and that of her audience. Her imagination is fuelled by pop culture as well as academic canons and her graphic influences range from Leonardo to Moebius — among many other European comics artists.

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Subscribe Subscribed. Purple D9C. Blue D9. Apollonia Saintclair. Orange 9C5B0D. Popular Tools Adobe Photoshop. Pink E63EEF. Anyone who missed the campaign can still order Volume 6, the collector box, the poster and the stickers on our website : apolloniasaintclair. Blue 7BD0F4. Apollonia Saintclair Crambe art. Red D

A self-taught illustrator with tortuous past, Apollonia draws for her pleasure and that of her audience.

Pink E63EEF. Availability Availability All. Contact Specialist. Red EF3E3E. Blue D9. Purple D9C. Yellow F9F6B8. Order now : apolloniasaintclair. Visual Search. Sell as Gallery Upload your artist's works to the next generation of online marketplace. Pink CF12D9. Do not sell or share my personal information. Red D Pink D9C.

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