ap varus

Ap varus

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League?

Hold : Draws the bow, gradually increasing the range and damage for the next shot. Piercing Arrow's cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds if the arrow detonates Blight stacks on at least one enemy champion. Active : Doubles the bonus on hit damage from Blighted Quiver's passive for 6 seconds. The corruption then spreads toward nearby enemy champions, also immobilizing them on contact. Immobilized units gain 3 Blight stacks over the next 3 seconds.

Ap varus

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Great keystone to take ap varus against hard matchups, note that you'll lose damage for not taking Conquerer but this ensures your laning phase to be smooth. The skill order for this build is Q - W - E.

Win Rate Try to poke the enemy down with your E and Q before committing to a fight. Delay team fights while you harass the enemy with your Q. Once an enemy champion overextended, cast your Ultimate R to catch them out of position. Never leave your team's side as you will be easy pickings for an Assassin or Bruiser.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Wait until on of the supports make the first move so you can follow. Be carefull about her R.

Ap varus

Over the last few years, Varus has consistently been one of the worst-performing champions in the game. If you are wondering why Varus has had a hard time being good in ranked, you need to look at his kit. Ever since the item rework, the only time Varus has been good has been with the lethality poke build. Varus is one of the few ADCs that offers a form of engage, and he is completely dependent on hitting skill shots. But while Riot has tried to move him away from the noninteractive poke build, they have brought back a monster from season 6.

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Join or Log In. Plus, the more you charge it, the farther it can go. You must to play very safe in Early Game because you are squishy and very slow. Your ultimate gives the enemies all the 3 stacks within its duration, so getting the stacks is very easy with your ultimate. To play well, you should poke your enemy while hitting cs. Social Contact Support. Avoid choosing him to play with mid-laners that have a lot of setup for ganks in the early game. While your E serves as a decent placeholder, your main goal is to have some sort of presence going onwards. And with the absence of Guinsoo's Rageblade On-Hit varus just doesn't work at all. Varus doesn't have a lot of mobility so when enemy champions step too close you can use Exhaust to help win fights. Varus is extremely vulnerable to cc so it is generally amazing summoner spell for him. Variation Barrier. Just pick another adc. Outputs the most damage.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.

Top 7 Best Supports for Ashe in Season AP Varus is known for his huge damage that is not too easy to understand. Varus doesn't have a lot of mobility so when enemy champions step too close you can use Exhaust to help win fights. Varus is a very underrated champion. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Load More Comments. He can't be countered if played well. This effect is proportional to the amount of time an arrow is charged for Varus to launch. Runes: Hail of Blades Best Trades 1 2. You can easily do your combo before level six, and having Presence of Mind does help out a lot with the mana issue. Amplifying Tome Control Ward. You get buff points for playing a game, LoL for example, and with the buff points you can buy giftcards, gaming gear and tons of other stuff. It can also help you secure kills. Right now, this build has First Strike is better for oneshotting, but Hail of Blades makes you a lot stronger early.

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