Andrea flores news anchor

Andrea's articles cover a wide range riften topics, from entertainment and pop culture to social issues and community events. Preston is the artificial intelligence that powers the Intelligent Relations PR platform. Meet Preston.

Though she originally planned to go into theater or become a doctor, she said she fell in love with her communication classes at UC Davis. The job, a production assistant, involved things like making copies of scripts and helping to direct guests. Two weeks later, she was packing for a job in Amarillo, Texas, the st-biggest TV market in the country. She grew up in San Bernadino, but said she was happy to come back to the Sacramento region, where she has family and an alma mater. Davis was one of her first stops upon returning, driving past her old apartment and attending the Whole Earth Festival on her wedding anniversary with her husband, whom she met three months into her job in Amarillo. The type of news she covers — like the mass shooting at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado — also weighs on her, she said.

Andrea flores news anchor


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Andrea Flores. March 22, Earlier News by Date. Editor on Duty: Mark K. Media Jobs. National Advertising Sales Account Executive. Webinar: Tech Leaders on Trends in Sponsored Content. Drive audience engagement with streaming weather. Navigating the AI revolution in media sales: challenges, trust and harnessing custom AI solutions.

Andrea flores news anchor

Though she originally planned to go into theater or become a doctor, she said she fell in love with her communication classes at UC Davis. The job, a production assistant, involved things like making copies of scripts and helping to direct guests. Two weeks later, she was packing for a job in Amarillo, Texas, the st-biggest TV market in the country. She grew up in San Bernadino, but said she was happy to come back to the Sacramento region, where she has family and an alma mater. Davis was one of her first stops upon returning, driving past her old apartment and attending the Whole Earth Festival on her wedding anniversary with her husband, whom she met three months into her job in Amarillo. The type of news she covers — like the mass shooting at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado — also weighs on her, she said. She said her husband is also very supportive and understanding of her long hours and rigid schedule. One of the first stories she tackled when she came to KCRA was also a first for her: international coverage. She traveled with a team to the U. The story may have opened up a new door to her future: She said she would love to work as a full-time foreign correspondent or documentarian someday.

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One of the first stories she tackled when she came to KCRA was also a first for her: international coverage. As residential areas continue recovery efforts following the tornado, local businesses like Gold Medal Roofing Company and Owen Tree Service. Ingrid Kelley. She reviews and revises scripts for the evening newscasts, and ensures she understands tricky pronunciations before going on the air. Considering her interest in evolving stories and event coverage along with government announcements suggests that she may be receptive to pitches providing unique angles or exclusive interviews related to ongoing cultural or societal shifts affecting these areas of interest. She often covers entertainment news with an emphasis on music, holidays, Latino culture, mental health, movies and TV shows. She said her husband is also very supportive and understanding of her long hours and rigid schedule. She grew up in San Bernadino, but said she was happy to come back to the Sacramento region, where she has family and an alma mater. Not enough data. Despite the challenges, she said she plans to stay in journalism for the foreseeable future. Most Recent Topics:. Police say the vehicle drove off before officers arrived.

KCRA Sacramento.

Themes Covered:. La'nita Brooks. She often covers entertainment news with an emphasis on music, holidays, Latino culture, mental health, movies and TV shows. Moon Funeral Home over the handling of his father's remains. Despite the challenges, she said she plans to stay in journalism for the foreseeable future. Two weeks later, she was packing for a job in Amarillo, Texas, the st-biggest TV market in the country. Genesee Health System offers lifesaving Narcan Training. Preston is the artificial intelligence that powers the Intelligent Relations PR platform. The job, a production assistant, involved things like making copies of scripts and helping to direct guests. Get in Touch. Meet Preston. Sydney Broadnax. Add me to your mailing list. Not enough data. Stay in touch Sign up for our email newsletter.

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