amharic movies

Amharic movies

Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, amharic movies, Ethiopian trippiebri, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. And our Ezega Amharic movies section has various articles written by experts that may be of interest to you. They deal with health and beauty, career and employment, business, and real estate, to name a few.

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Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. And our Ezega Blogs section has various articles written by experts that may be of interest to you. They deal with health and beauty, career and employment, business, and real estate, to name a few. Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home. Here, you will find Ethiopian Videos for Ethiopia music, current news, drama, comedy, movies, films, etc.

Amharic movies

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Fig Tree. Nardos, an Azmari singer from Addis Ababa, dreams of telling stories about the lives of ordinary people through her music. Ezega Entertainment Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Yetsehay Mewcha Lijoch. He becomes Anbessa, the lion. In Ethiopia, two men are running to achieve their dreams. Faya Dayi. When an Ethiopian boy moves in with distant relatives he takes his pet sheep with him but the upcoming holidays spell danger for his beloved friend. In fact, young Ethiopian music artists have started blending Ethiopia music with western music to create a hybrid Western-Ethiopian music. It is a very ancient custom in my land. A young Addis Ababa taxi driver gets caught up in the dark side of love, causing his taxi to be stolen.


If we didn't have it done, nobody would respect us. Instant watch options. Private investigator John Shaft is recruited to go undercover to break up a modern slavery ring where young Africans are lured to Paris to do chain-gang work. However, searching and finding the right Ethiopia video can be very time consuming. Follows an eighteen year old Ethiopian girl, Tsega, during the most important period of life: she just finished her national exam and is now waiting for the results, on which her future will depend. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. Nardos puts the lives, visions and power of Ethiopian women at the center of her creation as we slowly immerse ourselves in a rapidly changing country. We will live alongside them and their family during the days before the ritual is held. A personal investigation into the mysterious life of the director's Aunt Sally, an Ethiopian aristocrat-turned-communist-rebel who disappeared after the revolution that lead to the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie. Ethiopia comedy is as old as the country, although mostly in theatres, local entertainment places and local community settings. Number of votes. The album releases that have crossed Ethiopian borders are mainly recordings from the 50's to the 80's, however, the contemporary music scene from Addis remains, bar a few exceptions, unknown to the rest of the world.

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