amelia ressler video original

Amelia ressler video original

Original story at DailyMail. Amelia Ressler, amelia ressler video original, 30, was arrested on 19 counts of child molestation on Friday. The Georgia substitute teacher allegedly filmed herself masturbating in front of a second-grade class on January She sent the video on social media and it was seen by a member of the school community.

Carroll County Jail Amelia Ressler is a Georgia substitute teacher accused of filming a lewd video in front of a class full of elementary school students. Amelia Ressler is a Georgia woman accused of 19 counts of child molestation after police say she filmed herself masturbating in front of a class of elementary school students while working as a substitute teacher. Ressler was a substitute teacher at Mt. Ressler was seen on video touching herself inappropriately in front of a second-grade class, Carroll County communication director Ashley Hulsey told CBS The class was being held in person, not over Zoom or on another video platform, police said. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities.

Amelia ressler video original


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On February 5, staff at Mt. Zion Elementary School notified county authorities about allegations involving a substitute teacher. Investigators discovered that year-old Amelia Ressler was engaging in sexual acts around school-aged kids and was subsequently arrested on 19 counts of child molestation. Now, deputies say that their ongoing investigation has led to the arrest of Ressler's boyfriend, year-old Brent Matthew Vadovsky. According to the Carroll County Sheriff's Office, Vadovsky was encouraging Ressler to take videos of her performing sexual acts on herself while she was around school children. Officials learned that Vadovsky knew Ressler worked at an elementary school and was aware that students could have been exposed to this behavior.

Amelia ressler video original

Carroll County deputies allege that Amelia Ressler took sexually explicit videos of herself in a classroom. Ressler's boyfriend Brent Vadovsky was accused of encouraging her to perform the sexual acts. In August , a Mt. Zion Elementary School substitute teacher took "explicit videos of her performing sexual acts on herself" in a classroom with students present, the Carroll County Sheriff's Office said. She was taken into custody following an investigation brought forward by other staff members at the school.

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Hire women; get chaos. Zion High School in Post not marked as liked. By Tom Cleary. They all have this thug-life, wigga vibe to them as well. It is a projection of how she wants others to perceive her. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities. I empower, inspire, motivate, and celebrate others. I WILL shine! After pumping a cock into her mouth, she'd probably pump your gas too. She belongs to the streets. Husley told NBC News it will take weeks for investigators to conduct interviews with the 19 children who were in the classroom when the video was recorded. She graduated about the same time we did, so it just seems worse.

A substitute teacher accused of 19 counts of child molestation makes first appearance in Carroll County. Authorities charged Amelia Ressler, 30, with counts of child molestation after she allegedly video-recorded herself performing a sex act in front of a classroom of elementary students.

She said the investigators have obtained videos and photos showing Ressler masturbating, but additional charges could be filed based on what is learned from the students. Authorities have the pictures and videos as evidence. Hire women; get chaos. Sucking cock in the cabby under the neon lights of the gas bar. The Report Card. It was also not known as of February 7 when she would be scheduled to appear in court for the first time. She has children, but they are in the custody of their father, according to public records. The Georgia substitute teacher allegedly filmed herself masturbating in front of a second-grade class on January May I remind everyone that this woman is allowed to vote, sign contracts and had jobs at one point. Pinterest Amelia Ressler.

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