alina chan twitter

Alina chan twitter

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Thread Reader. Share this page! More info at Twitter Help. Alina Chan. If even more compelling evidence of a lab OriginOfCovid emerges, how will the scientific community scientists, journals, funders, journalists correct for the silencing, intimidation and degradation of rare scientists who dared to speak out and ask for a credible investigation? I implore scientists, especially virologists, who are tenured and more established to please speak up on OriginOfCovid Think not only about the history books but also the risky lab research happening even right now around the world that places millions of lives at risk.

Alina chan twitter

Keep Current with Alina Chan. Stay in touch and get notified when new unrolls are available from this author! Practice here first or read more on our help page! This site is made by just two indie developers on a laptop doing marketing, support and development! Read more about the story. Become Premium. Thank you for your support! Thread Reader. Share this page! More info at Twitter Help. Alina Chan Subscribe.

On the Media. She and Zhan posted a new preprint on bioRxiv dismantling the pangolin papers. Not bioweapons.

Alina Chan is a Canadian molecular biologist specializing in gene therapy and cell engineering at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard , where she is a postdoctoral fellow. During the COVID pandemic she became known for questioning the prevailing consensus regarding the origins of the virus and publicly advocating a laboratory escape hypothesis. Chan was born in Vancouver, British Columbia , to Singaporean parents. Her family returned to Singapore shortly after, where she grew up. She returned to Canada after high school to study biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of British Columbia , where she earned a PhD.

E ver since the first reports of a coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, a megacity in central China, the origins of Covid have been steeped in controversy. Was Sars-CoV-2, to give the virus its official name, the result of a natural spillover event from animals to humans or was it the product of laboratory experimentation? Although most cases clustered around a seafood market that also sold wild animals, it did not escape the attention of western intelligence agencies that nine miles to the south lay the Wuhan Institute of Virology WIV. Nor that for many years researchers at the secure biosafety facility had been exploring caves in Yunnan, in southern China , in search of bats that harbour Sars-like viruses and isolating genetic material from their saliva, urine and faeces. The fact that the outbreak had begun in the same city as the WIV was too much of a coincidence to ignore.

Alina chan twitter

They discuss the evidence of a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, media and academic censorship of this topic, the history of collaboration between western scientists and Chinese labs, the risks of "gain-of-function" research, the evidence for the zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2, the initial complacency and denialism of the Chinese, the biosafety levels at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, molecular evidence of a lab leak, the practical constraints on synthesizing viruses, lack of international cooperation, conspiracy theories promulgated by the CCP, EcoHealth Alliance, different kinds of "gain-of-function" research, virus hunting, the history of lab leaks, risk and reward in the search for knowledge, Anthony Fauci, and other topics. Matt Ridley is a writer whose books have been translated into 31 languages and won several awards. Matt sat in the House of Lords between and and served on the science and technology select committee and the artificial intelligence select committee. He was founding chairman of the International Centre for Life in Newcastle. He created the Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal in , and was a columnist for the Times

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This is not true. It fit their preexisting theories about wet markets, and it would have meant no lab had been involved. How could it even be used as a threat without self-destruction since viruses don't care about nationality? Zhan pulled up the raw data from the papers and compared the genomes they had published. Before I met her recently at the Broad Institute, we arranged the meeting on the encrypted app Signal. Both Chan and Harvard have declined to comment on the details. This basic principle has been seized on by enthusiastic lab origin proponents. These sleuths did have some success in one area. Archived from the original on Facts were facts.

A local researcher has been pushing the United States to investigate the lab for more than a year. Her remarks have led to threats and harassment. I think a lot of scientists were really offended by it.

Last February, when leading scientists convened to analyze the virus genome, they ended up publishing two letters. And this is why it is so scary for some experts and scientists to venture into this territory. As she made her way across the gleaming marble foyer, her sneaker squeaks echoed in the silence. By the time significant differences were noticed between the pandemic virus and the SARS virus, it was too late. But Alina Chan tweeted life into the idea that the virus came from a lab". Good point, he replied. Chan has no particular view about how exactly an accident might have happened—whether a student got sick in a bat cave, say, or secret research to infect mice with a novel virus went awry. Chan told me she had initially resisted briefing the State Department and has been surprised by how little the US government actually knows. Once we get the funds, we can then allocate who does what exact work, and I believe that a lot of these assays can be done in Wuhan". However, genetic engineers have a history of adding them in lab experiments. How could it even be used as a threat without self-destruction since viruses don't care about nationality?

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