Agencia estatal de meteorologia

Do something for our planet, print this page only if needed. Even a small agencia estatal de meteorologia can make an enormous difference when millions of people do it! Software updated on 26 September from version Code for developers.

Se suprimen el apartado 2. Se autoriza al Ministro de Medio Ambiente a dictar cuantas disposiciones normativas fueran necesarias para el desarrollo del presente real decreto. Los efectos asociados al grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos establecidos en cuanto a los siguientes aspectos:. El personal directivo es nombrado y cesado por el Consejo Rector a propuesta del Presidente. Servicios comunes.

Agencia estatal de meteorologia


El Presidente. Who we are Governance Our knowledge network — Eionet Projects and cooperation agreements Becoming a climate neutral agency.


The agency was known as Central Institute of Meteorology from to and National Institute of Meteorology from to when it adopted its current name. The agency has centers distributed through the regions and it has offices in almost every airport and air force base. In addition, there are synoptic observatories spread throughout the Spanish geography. As stated in the founding Decree, the Institute had to "especially calculate and announce the probable time to the ports and capitals of the province, without prejudice to the other scientific and practical work entrusted to it. It was the first institution dedicated to the meteorological service in Spain. With different denominations and organic ascriptions, this agency has been playing the role of "National Meteorological Service" since its creation. After the Civil War , in , all the meteorological services were unified in the renowned "National Meteorological Service", which was attached to the Ministry of Air. In a new building was inaugurated in the University City of Madrid that in the 70s assumed the central services. In the democratic period, a new restructuring took place in , when it was renamed the National Institute of Meteorology INM and became dependent on the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Agencia estatal de meteorologia


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Photo competitions. Titulares de las Direcciones, de los Departamentos y de las Delegaciones Territoriales. Which countries use most renewable energy? Who we are See all Governance Our knowledge network — Eionet Projects and cooperation agreements Becoming a climate neutral agency. CMS login. Entrada en vigor. Key partners European Union partners International engagement Copernicus. Please make sure javascript is enabled in your browser. European Environment Agency website. See all EU institutions and bodies.


An official website of the European Union How do you know? Dado en Madrid, el 8 de febrero de Reforzamiento de la capacidad profesional. How many people are exposed to air pollution? Newsletter overview. What countries had the highest land take in the EEA? Naturaleza y finalidad. Entrada en vigor. Plastics Pollution Production and consumption Renewable energy Resource use and materials Road transport Seas and coasts Soil Sustainability challenges Sustainability solutions. Working practices See all Procedures and policies Personal data protection Register of documents.

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