africa countries and capitals quizlet

Africa countries and capitals quizlet

Toggle navigation. Keese, James Social Sciences. Keese is very easy, but also very boring. He shows a lot of slides and videos in class from his many trips around the globe.

I say flash-cardable because I've been having a lot of success using Memrise consistently for things like this, so for the purposes of this question it should be able to fit into that format. I could learn the names of the Hebrew letters, but not the full text of Beowulf or digits of pi even though those would be impressive and arguably useful. It needs to be framable in this-thing-goes-with-that-thing or this-thing-is-called-this format. My usefulness threshold is low. Like, will it help with bar trivia? World capitals is a good example of what I'm after because it's something one "should" know, but very few actually do.

Africa countries and capitals quizlet

They have an excellent podcast called Developod find more podcasts for ELT teachers here. I was very happy to be invited to chat to Christian Ludwig about the future of Teacher Development from my perspective, especially focusing on the power of blogs and social media. You can listen to the minute episode here or by clicking on the link below. These are summaries of the talks I attended. Rose has always been interested in the social and ethical impacts of English teaching. When she did her MA, she realised there was a whole academic field dedicated to this:. Paolo Freire is most commonly associated with this — critical pedagogy is the field. Teachers should be trained to reflect and act on issues both inside and outside the classroom. Rose came up with these principles as part of her MA thesis. She came up with a critical pedagogy course. He proposes that knowledge should be mediated by the teacher rather than owned by them. There are teacher-students and student-teachers. Education is conversational, incorporating meaningful dialogic. We need to reflect on why we disagree.

I have given money a few times and hope to continue being able to support the arts in more ways after this. So what does the research say about these areas? Each rehearsal lasted for about minutes.

We are finishing perhaps the most abundant, joyful, and beautiful year of my son's homeschool career. Yes, it's also been challenging , but isn't that the point? This is the second time through Challenge A for this mama, so I feel like I know the drill now. Challenge A is the springboard into the Logic stage of learning. It is the springboard into deeper inquiry, discipline, and connections.

It also attracts many government institutions and embassies, regardless of Porto-Novo's status, leading to the city being referred as Benin's de-facto capital. There is an even stronger case for including Dar Es Salaam than Cotonou. It's is not Luis is either French or English the two main languages of the country. This is so much fun. I have to master about three. Ivory Coast is very difficult. In my mother tongue the word for Freedom resembles 'Liberia', so I keep associating Liberia and Freetown. If it helps, Liberia was founded by American slaves who were returned to Africa either to give them the best chance at freedom or to remove them from American society, depending on which view you take , and the capital, Monrovia, is named after American president James Monroe. So I remember that Liberia is where the liberated American slaves went.

Africa countries and capitals quizlet

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Junior C General Ed Dec The key to this class is to know the details which I am not good at. You know what your child is capable of. Incorporate personal stories and personal experiences: some students might find this unprofessional. He knows a lot about latin america, but not so much on the middle east. James Taylor has a lesson plan about helping students to set useful goals for their language learning. This then became their criteria for developing rapport with the students. I ended up getting a B, which is a huge surprise. Goes back and curves at the end of the quarter if grades are low. The four areas were:. The phrases on the right are feedback Patricia got from her students, which she conducted in their first language. These could be concepts, ideas or descriptions. Left vs right side driving countries.

Type answers that appear on an image. Capitals of Africa Can you name the capitals of Africa? Give Quiz Kudos.

As the conference was based in the Japan time zone it meant 7 a. Keese doesn't use the Socratic method that often, but when he does, it is for a reason, i. Yes, it's also been challenging , but isn't that the point? I love the name, because it feels like a counterpoint to the social distancing that has been enforced. Taking this class did give me some serious wanderlust though! Jo teaches pre-service and in-service trainees at a university in Budapest. Keese is a nice guy. The fact that we will inevitably enter some new mode of working in September gives us the chance to have a kind of reset. He proposes that knowledge should be mediated by the teacher rather than owned by them. On the course Clare and Melissa Lamb recently ran, trainees had a website for input at home which they accessed in their own time with guided tasks. Apart from the social side of things, I have continued to work on my cooking and baking. No final, the "final" was just another midterm and had nothing from the previous tests on it. When they see you in the car with a physical map shocker - don't use your phone with Google Maps! As a logical extension of this, differentiation started to appear in the lesson plan, and trainees started to comment on how they would work with this. We need to move away from a transmission approach to training towards a more participatory one.

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