actor español joven

Actor español joven

Actor Atraco a las tres. Spanish actor. His first works were as actor, set decorator and costume designer in non-commercial amateur theatre plays, actor español joven, basically at the 'Teatro de las

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Actor español joven


Actor Malvaloca. Retrieved 5 February Actor El crack.


El 15 de abril de tuvo un infarto de miocardio y el actor fue ingresado en el Hospital de la Princesa de Madrid en estado estable. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. En otros proyectos.

Actor español joven

Actor Ovella. He is an actor and director, known for Ovella , Escenario 0 and Xtreme Actor Hanna. Actor La Ruta. Actor Antidisturbios.

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He was married to Elisa As a youth he was inclined towards Juan Echanove was born on April 1, in Madrid, Spain. Actor El abuelo. During this period, he often traveled to Madrid so he could assist to the Cristina Rota acting school. He was married to Mary Carmen Crespo. He studied law in Barcelona finishing his career in May Actor Los caraduros. Sign In.

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He died on November 7, in Madrid, Spain. Retrieved 5 February Tell Your Friends Share this list:. Actor El cuerpo. They have one child. At the age of six, with the Civil War breaking out, the family emigrated to Madrid and he started working as a street salesman and later in a chocolate factory, which later led Spanish actor. La corona partida. Retrieved 26 May He was an actor and producer, known for Don Quixote, Knight Errant , Familia and El vuelo de la paloma Best Supporting Actor. Actor El laberinto del fauno.

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