Abortion clothes hanger

Today, staff members from the National Abortion Federation held a private viewing of the documentary The Coat Hanger Projectwhich chronicles the development of the reproductive justice movement in the United States, abortion clothes hanger. Filmmaker Angie Young got the inspiration for the film and began shooting footage while working on a campaign to overturn a South Dakota law banning abortion. Young, like many others, was compelled to go to South Dakota after the state legislature abortion clothes hanger sweeping prohibition on abortion care in the state.

If the woman, or girl, is alone she thrusts it blindly upwards into the vagina. She may or may not know that to get into the uterus the coat hanger has to navigate the small opening in the cervix called the os. A coat hanger is technically narrow enough to get through a pregnant cervical os, but the end is sharp not tapered so it can lacerate and perforate. Getting any instrument through the cervix safely also requires visualization and knowledge of the correct amount of force. The uterine wall is soft and easily perforated with the wrong instrument or unskilled hands. If the uterus is perforated on one of the sides there is a high risk of lacerating a uterine artery, as that is where they are located. If this happens a woman who is by herself could easily bleed to death before she gets appropriate medical care.

Abortion clothes hanger

The clothing hanger was originally designed to allow people quick access to their clothing as well as designate an area, in their home, to keep their clothing in. It was also used to keep clothing dry or without a wrinkle. There are three basic types of clothes hangers. The first is the wire hanger, which has a simple loop of wire, most often steel , [ citation needed ] in a flattened triangle shape that continues into a hook at the top. The second is the wooden hanger, which consists of a flat piece of wood cut into a boomerang -like shape with the edges sanded down to prevent damage to the clothing, and a hook, usually of metal, protruding from the point. Some wooden hangers have a rounded bar from tip to tip, forming a flattened triangle. This bar is designed to hang the trousers belonging to the jacket. The third kind and most used in today's world are plastic coat hangers, which mostly mimic the shape of either a wire or a wooden hanger. Plastic coat hangers are also produced in smaller sizes to accommodate the shapes of children's clothes. Some hangers have clips along the bottom for suspending skirts. Dedicated skirt and trousers hangers may not use the triangular shape at all, instead using just a rod with clips. Other hangers have little rings coming from the top two bars to hang straps from tank-tops on. Specialized pant hanger racks may accommodate many pairs of trousers. Foldable clothes hangers that are designed to be inserted through the collar area for ease of use and the reduction of stretching are an old, yet potentially useful variation on traditional clothes hangers. They have been patented over times in the U.

Women who used sharp objects to attempt inducing an abortion frequently suffered from perforation of the uterus, which was sometimes fatal.

When abortion is illegal, women and girls with unwanted pregnancies are unable to terminate their pregnancy in healthcare facilities such as abortion clinics and hospitals, and are forced to resort to dangerous methods to end their pregnancy. These dangerous methods include taking poisons, causing deliberate injury to the abdomen, pumping corrosive substances through the vagina, and inserting foreign objects into the uterus through the cervix. The wire coat hanger, because it has a thin metal wire that can be bent and can fit through the cervix, has been used by women who are unable to get a legal abortion to terminate their pregnancy at home. As you can imagine, inserting a sharp object into the uterus is extremely dangerous, and can lead to perforation of the uterus, infections, severe bleeding, and may fail to end the pregnancy after all. However, history has taught us that when abortion is illegal, women and girls with unwanted pregnancies will resort to dangerous methods rather than be forced to give birth against their will.

It might be a crude, scribbled drawing on a poster, or perhaps even a real one, grasped tightly in someone's hands. Or maybe you've heard someone drop the term "coat hanger abortion" when talking about the dark history of reproductive rights. Whatever the context, the term has become a catch-all phrase symbolizing the dangerous world of secret, at-home abortions before the practice was legalized by the landmark Supreme Court decision in Roe v. But when the Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, leaving it up to individual states to decide whether abortion is legal, access to abortion care was restricted for millions of women around the country. Luckily, there are still plenty of options for self-managed care out there for women yes, even if you're in a state where abortion has been banned thanks to safe and effective medication abortion pills—and experts agree that the days of dangerous at-home abortion methods can remain long behind us. Before abortion was legalized, the process was secretive, which also made it more dangerous. While this dangerous historical "coat hanger" method is by no means currently prevalent, it does occasionally still occur. At its root, these dangerous and desperate methods can be linked to societal views and regulations surrounding the practice of abortion.

Abortion clothes hanger

A twisted piece of wire isn't just a symbol of dangerous abortions; it's a symbol of inequality. In the mids, a woman went to an abortionist. She had been raped and now, pregnant, she sought his help. As he prepared to perform the procedure, he said to her, "You can take your pants down now, but you shoulda' -- ha! And also: Expensive -- very. When these methods failed, she hammered at her stomach with a meat pulverizer before going to an illegal abortionist. This was in , when abortion was illegal in America.

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A lot of people take a lot of ibuprofen for menstrual cramps. Nah, that would involve thinking of women as more than just ambulatory incubators. Reblogged this on asalwayschristine and commented: making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. Ironically, she said, some of those same people were carrying signs with an image of a heart surrounding a pregnant Black woman and the message "Love Them Both. You can read more about them here. You could see them held high in the air from among the crowd of protesters marching outside the U. They had taken in his five orphaned brothers and sisters, and she now cared for a family of ten. Records of these instances from surgical journals allow us to glimpse into histories that would otherwise be lost. The Dictionary of Fashion History 2nd ed. The Coat Hanger Project provides a critical look at how the South Dakota legislature disregarded the established legal precedent regarding abortion and waged a direct assault on Roe v. We know what restricting abortion does. Why does it have to be a coat hanger? And, a data broker has been selling data about who visits Planned Parenthood.

You could see them held high in the air from among the crowd of protesters marching outside the U.

Specialized pant hanger racks may accommodate many pairs of trousers. However, not everyone would know that and some are too desperate to care. Abortion has changed a lot over my lifetime. Bleeding was minimal. In the mids, a woman went to an abortionist. Before abortion was legalized, such dangerous — and desperate — measures resulted in uterine perforation, hemorrhage, sepsis and sometimes death. Where are the statistics on this? Young children required the preparation of special foods. They spend a lot more of their time providing contraceptive information. Double standard and way beyond bs. There was a doctor who performed them for much cheaper than I did or the few other qualified providers in the state. A baby had to be nursed, cuddled, and watched.

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