Abdl daddy stories

By ElfyApril 29, in Completed Stories, abdl daddy stories. Well this is a commission from the same person about a prequel to that story. It hopefully answers some of the questions that were left open by the first story and tell an interesting tale of it's own.

A good story is like playing with Legos — sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with — well, with a bunch of blocks! But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest. And will Josh ever accept his true … Read the rest. The bond between Cody and his neighbour Josh has deepened as the daily rituals of diapering the boy have brought out feelings in both of them. Ever see a movie and know what the ending will be before the opening credits finish? As I stood waiting for Cody to think through what I had asked him I felt like it could go one of two ways: it … Read the rest. Previous chapters: one , two , and three.

Abdl daddy stories

Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our FAQ? Ask it below. It sounds weird to admit, but I got used to wearing a diaper. I really did. After weeks it became second nature. A lot of trouble had been placed on making the nursery and everything involving me, authentically babyish. The nursery itself was quite a large room, it had to be — everything within it was built to scale. It was disorienting when I first arrived. The crib, the change table, rocking horse — even the toys and books were oversized. Everything I looked at — everything I touched or used — was built purposely to make me feel small like a baby. But I did, plus a lot more —hundreds and hundreds of diapers.

I wanted to be even more naughtier and make a poopy into my diaper before daddy comes back down, but I held it for another time.

However, I firmly stick by the notion that it is my first and absolute priority in my relationships and play, but if such things happen with the right people at the right time.. I still hate the feeling of sexuality all the time in my play, though. Something quick that I wrote tonight, felt inspired. PS: You can follow us on Twitter now! He put the little girl in her playpen firmly but gently. She pouted. Finish up your milk first.

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. All characters in this story are over the age of 25, the story focuses in part on abdl with the use of diapers, stuffies, a bottle and a paci but all characters retain their age again and do not regress. The items mentioned above are comforts, no age change is suggested or should be deprived from this story. Any honorific's used like daddy and little one are again only honorific's and not suggestive of age play. If this is not your thing please do not read.

Abdl daddy stories

A good story is like playing with Legos — sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with — well, with a bunch of blocks! But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest. And will Josh ever accept his true … Read the rest. The bond between Cody and his neighbour Josh has deepened as the daily rituals of diapering the boy have brought out feelings in both of them. Ever see a movie and know what the ending will be before the opening credits finish? As I stood waiting for Cody to think through what I had asked him I felt like it could go one of two ways: it … Read the rest. Previous chapters: one , two , and three.

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They literally kept me on my bottom — crawling like a baby. And yes to what felt like a new word: Daddy. His face went white as he looked just behind his inebriated friend. Mae, a 18 year old struggling to get by runs into Christopher in a embarrassing encounter. Finally, just as the sun set, Daddy suddenly walked into the nursery. Eventually all three had finished their meals and the conversation had run dry. Connor stared back with an emotionless face. Teddy is a normal year-old boy who all of a sudden is starting to regress back into diapers. Maybe he was even more drunk than Connor thought. None of the leather straps budged an inch, he was almost completely helpless. Connor had to remind himself that he had the chance to be released, it was the only thing that stopped him from slipping into despair. It was a complex bit of machinery that had been installed by the people who took the babies away. His head rested back against the chair, he found it increasingly difficult to move any of his limbs.

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He looked into his eyes, at his teeth, asked Toby a couple of questions that got no response except for babbling and then stood up again with a large smile. Hours passed and soon Connor found his bladder starting to ache again, after a brief struggle, Connor allowed his body to relax and was rewarded with the feeling of warm liquid travelling around to the bottom of the diaper and soaking in. Connor realised that Daddy had never said when he would make his decision. His mouth frowned and he looked sadly at Stephen. Her life seems all planned out but what happens when she is taken and forced into diapers? The older man bent down and began examining Toby. The smell filled the room and Connor, unused to this smell, nearly gagged. Aluminum Monster says:. Stephen, fascinated by this exchange, quickly slipped a hand over the crib and felt the cloth diaper that Toby was wearing, it was still dry as far as he could tell. Posted April 29,

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