5/8 bigger than 1/2

5/8 bigger than 1/2

Wiki User. It is five eighths. One and five eighths is bigger than one and a half.

One of the most common calculations you'll make in math is to compare fractions. Play this very quick and fun video now! A quick reminder on fractions before we start: the number at the top of the fraction is called the numerator and the number at the bottom of the fraction line is called the denominator. Let's start with the first method: converting the fractions to the same denominator. Our denominators are 8 and 2. What we need to do is find the lowest common denominator of the two numbers. This is the smallest number that can be divided by both 8 and 2.

5/8 bigger than 1/2

One of the most common calculations you'll make in math is to compare fractions. Play this very quick and fun video now! As we always do in these tutorials, let's recap and remind ourselves that the number above the fraction line is called the numerator and the number below the fraction line is called the denominator. Let's start with the first method: converting the fractions to the same denominator. Our denominators are 2 and 8. What we need to do is find the lowest common denominator of the two numbers. This is the smallest number that can be divided by both 2 and 8. In this case, the lowest common denominator is 8. If we multiply the first denominator 2 by 4 we will get 8. If we multiply the second denominator 8 by 1 we will also get 8. We also need to multiply the numerators above the line by the same amounts so that the fraction values are correct:. You can also compare these fractions by first converting them to decimal format. This is a lot faster than working out the lowest common denominator.

In this case, the lowest common denominator is 8. Wiki User. Now that these fractions have been converted to decimal format, we can compare the numbers to get our answer.


Moreover, it has the ability to simplify a fraction A. If you're still not impressed, this tool not only works on standard proper and improper fractions but also on mixed fractions — what more could you ask for? Below you'll read about the fraction definition, the types of fractions proper, improper, mixed , and all those basic operations on simple and mixed fractions. Are you ready? A fraction represents the number of equal parts of a whole thing. You can recognize a simple fraction because it has two numbers separated by a line or slash :. In the example above, it's one part out of six slices, which the pie was cut into in total. We read it as one-sixth of the whole pie.

5/8 bigger than 1/2

One of the most common calculations you'll make in math is to compare fractions. Play this very quick and fun video now! As we always do in these tutorials, let's recap and remind ourselves that the number above the fraction line is called the numerator and the number below the fraction line is called the denominator.

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How is seven eighths minus one fourth more than one half? We really appreciate your support! Accessed 24 February, This is the smallest number that can be divided by both 8 and 2. How many eighths are in five eighths? What is half of one and a quarter? Visual Fractions. We just launched a YouTube Channel and need your help to share helpful educational videos. All we do here is divide the numerator by the denominator for each fraction:. What fraction comes midway between one half and three quarters? One of the most common calculations you'll make in math is to compare fractions. What compares each fraction five eighths with a half? Hey Friend!

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We really appreciate your support! This is a lot faster than working out the lowest common denominator. This is a lot faster than working out the lowest common denominator. What compares each fraction five eighths with a half? Before you go All we do here is divide the numerator by the denominator for each fraction:. Our denominators are 8 and 2. Is five-eighths greater than one-half? Hey Friend! One and one half minus five eights? What is five eighths times one half?

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