4chan anime

Launched by Christopher "moot" Poole in Octoberthe 4chan anime hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from video games and television to literaturecooking, weapons, musichistory, animefitness, politics, and sports, among others, 4chan anime. Registration is not available and users typically post anonymously.

They then hired Gordon Hurd who goes by the stage name Tyrone , a motivational speaker who had also put himself on Fiverr. The result: two dads arguing with each other about anime, in the most crude and 4chan of ways. The videos spread quickly. These videos quickly became one of the most defining fixtures on the 4chan anime board, and eventually metastasized throughout the other 4chan boards and into other meme-factories like Reddit and Tumblr. Pretty soon Rog and Tyrone found themselves as the mouthpieces for, well, anything really. Remember the Team Rocket mantra from Pokemon?

4chan anime

Next Chevron Pointing Right. Join Imgur Emerald to award Accolades! Add to Favorites. Jump to Comments. Options Menu. There's a lot of great and mostly comedic anime in this chart. Fairly unknown anime but very well made. Genius Party and Sweat Punch are quite trippy from what i recall. Grumpy jii-san is an old man on youtube who hikes and reviews anime. Unfortunately he stopped making videos because of health issues. This one demonstrates the usually accepted dubs but not of everyone because it's not a hivemind. This is a slightly different version, i kept it in because of Kino no Tabi, an excellent anime of a young individual and his talking motorcycle hermes and their travels. This show the manly and macho side of mecha.

The Guardian. Archived from the original on November 18, He'll find her, then call the cops.


The game uses a traditional text and sprite-based visual novel model with an ADV-style text box running on the Ren'Py visual novel engine. The majority of the story takes place at Yamaku High School, a boarding school for disabled students, located in an unnamed city somewhere in modern, northern Japan. After a lengthy hospitalization, he is forced to transfer to a school specialized in providing education and healthcare for students with disabilities. Over the course of the narrative, Hisao has the opportunity to come to grips with his condition and adjust to his new life. The gameplay of Katawa Shoujo is choice-based, in which the player reads through text and occasionally has the chance to respond to prompts with a variety of preset responses.

4chan anime

Outside Japan and in English, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. Many works of animation with a similar style to Japanese animation are also produced outside Japan. Video games sometimes also feature themes and art styles that can be considered as "anime".

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July 28, News 8 Austin. Archived from the original on July 13, April 27, Retrieved August 2, Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved September 25, Featured Local Savings. Archived from the original on February 5, A "GET" occurs when a post's number ends in a special number, such as , , or every millionth post.

It was succeeded by many copies, one of which became more popular than the original. It is currently known as 2ch.

Retrieved July 27, Retrieved July 24, In a interview with Vice Media, several current or past moderators spoke about what they perceived as racist intent behind the site's management. MIT Technology Review. September 2, October 23, Archived from the original on January 6, In October , it was reported that the site was facing financial difficulties that could lead to its closure or radical changes. Justia Federal District Court Filings. Happy Mag. Retrieved September 4,

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