4 chan gif
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And now I finally publish the findings. As this is a leisure time project, I hope you understand that it took some time to finish it. Also, it is divided into three separate articles to make it more accessible:. Okay, before you scroll down for all the shiny graphs and tables, take a second for some basic information about the study:. I wanted to inspect the changes since April , when WebM could be used on 4chan for the first time.
4 chan gif
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Click them to see all the details.
It has acted as a platform for far-right extremism ; [10] [11] [9] the board is notable for its widespread racist , white supremacist , antisemitic , anti-Muslim , misogynist , and anti-LGBT content. Outside of traditional news sources, users also commonly rely on alternative media such as YouTube commentary as a source of news. Flags are displayed on each post. A national flag corresponding to the user's geographic location based on their IP address may be displayed. Alternatively, users may select a "meme flag" also referred to as a "troll flag" , corresponding to various political identifiers. Each post also has a unique ID attached, which is likewise associated with the user's IP address. It was deleted a year later on 17 January Although there had previously been a strong left-libertarian contingent to 4chan activists, there was a gradual rightward turn on 4chan's politics board in the early-mid s, with the fundamentalist approach to free speech contributing. They repeated this after several other mass shootings, in attempts to troll mainstream news outlets into reporting Hyde as the attacker.
4 chan gif
A n angry-looking Wojak character has been floating around as of late, saying, " The West has fallen. Billions must die ," among other satirical variations of the catchphrase. What's canonically referred to as a Chudjak , the near-sided character has been surfacing on 4chan since late last year. As stated, many ironic variations of the now infamous Wojak cartoon have been posted across the web, ranging from Twitter to Instagram , Reddit to iFunny. What exactly does this phrase mean though? Who is this "Chudjak" and is the meme problematic? Let's explain.
Big boobis
And for looking at a change it is good to look at older data, too. You can also use this GUI tool. JavaScript is disabled. How have the data been extracted? Status Not open for further replies. The next two graphs represent the same dataset. Now why is this important, you ask? Click them to see all the details. It becomes very obvious which board is more populated by Animations. These next graphs show the data from December to August on a daily base. Log in now.
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Front Page. It's less than 3 MB. Click to expand Notice the gaps in the data, as I explained earlier. Email Required Name Required Website. Search titles only. Anyway, I think this is really exciting. You are using an out of date browser. Install the app. Long live WebM It becomes very obvious which board is more populated by Animations. It's amazing how technology is advancing my ability to watch cats doing stupid things. With a script plugin like 4chanX, WebM files will start to play as soon as you mouse over them. I wanted to inspect the changes since April , when WebM could be used on 4chan for the first time. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread.
I am sorry, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you necessarily will help. Do not despair.
It is a pity, that I can not participate in discussion now. It is not enough information. But with pleasure I will watch this theme.
It is remarkable