3.5 wondrous items

Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description.

This is a catch-all category for anything that isn't a ring, staff, rod, weapon, et cetera. Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Wondrous items can be configured to do just about anything from create a breeze to improve ability scores. Many standard and non-standard wondrous items are described below. Blessed by ancient gods of luck, this amulet allows its wearer to change his fortune.

3.5 wondrous items

This site includes magic items from very many Paizo sources beyond just the core rulebooks. Scroll down to the bottom of this page or click here to see a complete listing. Wondrous items are varied and diverse. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be possessed and utilized. Anyone can use a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise. There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless. Slotted items take up a magic item slot, and must be worn by the character who wants to employ the item or benefit from its abilities whereas slotless items do not occupy or use up a magic item slot. When a character wears a slotted wondrous item he cannot gain the benefit from a wondrous items of the same slot until the first item is removed. Of course, a character may carry or possess any number of slotted items of the same type, but additional items have no effect until they are worn. Note : If you click on the image at right of a person showing the body slots, you can download a PDF that you can print and fill in yourself! If a creature is missing the body part where a wondrous item is worn, it cannot use that type of slotted item. If a creature has multiple body parts that correspond to a single wondrous item slot, it can still only gain the benefit of one item of that slot. Sometimes these items take the form of trinkets, like figurines of wondrous power.

Cocoon cloak. Mask of a thousand tomes.

Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Usually use-activated or command word , but details vary from item to item. An 01 result indicates the wondrous item is intelligent, indicates that something a design, inscription, or the like provides a clue to its function, and indicates no special qualities. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes. This amulet is a golden disk on a chain.

Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location. Apparatus of the Crab. Boots of Striding and Springing. Boots of Teleportation. Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals. Bracers of Archery, Greater. Bracers of Archery, Lesser.

3.5 wondrous items

Magic items are divided into categories: armor, weapons, potions, rings, rods, scrolls, staffs, wands, and wondrous items. In addition, some magic items are cursed or intelligent. Finally, a few magic items are of such rarity and power that they are considered to belong to a category of their own: artifacts. Artifacts are classified in turn as minor extremely rare but not one-of-a-kind items or major each one unique and extremely potent. Magic armor including shields offers improved, magical protection to the wearer. Some of these items confer abilities beyond a benefit to Armor Class. Magic weapons are created with a variety of combat powers and almost always improve the attack and damage rolls of the wielder as well. A potion is an elixir concocted with a spell-like effect that affects only the drinker. A ring is a circular metal band worn on the finger no more than two rings per wearer that has a spell-like power often a constant effect that affects the wearer.

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Cloak of arachnida. Personal tools Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Slotted items take up a magic item slot, and must be worn by the character who wants to employ the item or benefit from its abilities whereas slotless items do not occupy or use up a magic item slot. Major Arcana. After absorbing fifty spell levels, the stone burns out and turns dull gray, forever useless. Boots of striding and springing. Crystal ball with see invisibility. The familiar has no need for food, water, or air while inside the pouch, but any other living creature of suitable size placed within a pocket has enough air for only 1 minute, after which it suffocates. These tight leather gloves allow the wearer to travel from branch to branch using only her arms, as a monkey or gibbon would. Storing or retrieving the item is a free action. Well of many worlds.

Anyone can use a wondrous item unless specified otherwise in the description. Usually use-activated or command word , but details vary from item to item.

Amulet of the planes. In addition, if the wearer has a familiar, any pouch can hold it no matter what its size or weight. It likewise negates the effects of blur and displacement. Ioun stone, pale lavender ellipsoid. The drinker also gains complete immunity to the energy type associated with his breath weapon. If he is evil, then blowing the horn has the effect of a magic circle against good. Abjurant salt. Needles of fleshgraving. Glove of storing. Goggles of Minute Seeing. Candle of truth. In addition, once per day, the wearer can speak with animals as a 5th-level druid, but with aquatic animals only. It is our intent to work within this license in good faith.

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