1k8 resistor color code

While these codes are most often associated with resistors, then can also apply to capacitors and other components. The standard color coding method for resistors uses a different color to represent each number 0 to 9: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, 1k8 resistor color code, gray, white.

Resistor color code is a color code to indicate the resistance of that resistor. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. Each band has their own number to form a resistance number. The body color doesn't have any meaning. The figure below shows the color coding of the 1.

1k8 resistor color code


Because of problems in seeing the decimal point in some printed texts, the 3 letters: K M or R are used in place of the decimal point. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color 1k8 resistor color code. This band is Gray, which corresponds to the value 8.


The humble resistor is the lowest-cost component in our maker box, but it is also incredibly useful. These resistor color codes tell us exactly how many Ohms of current each unit handles. How do we read a resistor color code? Why are some resistor color codes four bands and others five bands? What resistor do I need for an LED? We answer all of these questions and give you the tools to quickly calculate the correct resistor for all of your projects. Resistors have no polarity, so they can be used in any orientation in a circuit.

1k8 resistor color code

Resistor color code is a color code to indicate the resistance of that resistor. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. Each band has their own number to form a resistance number. The body color doesn't have any meaning. The figure below shows the color coding of the 1. The color code of resistor with 4 bands will be with colors of the bands are Brown, Gray, Red and Gold. The color of the first band indicates the value of the first significant digit. The first band is Brown, which corresponds to the value 1. The color of the second band indicates the value of the second significant digit.


The table below lists every resistor value of the E12 range of preferred values. The body color doesn't have any meaning. The band after the decade is the tolerance. As in the above 4 band example, the first two bands are red and purple, representing 2 and 7. There are also E48 and E96 tables, which have even more values. The others are specially designed for temperature critical applications. In this case, the third band is Red which corresponds to the number 2. In the E24 range the preferred values are:. Therefore, a simpler alphanumeric coding system is used. The fourth band indicates the tolerance values. You will notice that there are 24 rows containing the basic resistor values and the columns to the right list the decade values thereof. The E24 range of preferred values includes all of the E12 values, plus a further 12 to enable the selection of more precise resistances.

The four band 1K resistor is one of the most common resistors in electronics. The 1k resistor color code allows us to quickly identify the resistance value and tolerance of a 1k ohm resistor.

The fourth band indicates the tolerance values. The first band is Brown, which corresponds to the value 1. As a result, the resistance value of the resistor with the color bands of Brown Gray Red Gold is 1. The E24 range of preferred values includes all of the E12 values, plus a further 12 to enable the selection of more precise resistances. While these codes are most often associated with resistors, then can also apply to capacitors and other components. Resistor color code can be formed with 3, 4, or 5 color bands. The gold and silver decade bands divide by a power of 10, allowing for values below 10 Ohms. Therefore, a simpler alphanumeric coding system is used. On the above SIL network, the 4 and 7 are the significant digits and the 3 is the decade, giving 47 x or Ohms. Each band has their own number to form a resistance number. Resistors in these groups are less common and tend to have a better tolerance rating. Each column is a decade, and each row in that column is a different one of the E24 values. Therefore the digits from band one and band two are: Notice how the first two colors in each row are the same, and the last color in each column is the same. The body color doesn't have any meaning.

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