1420 videos

1420 videos

An interview with Daniil Orain, the face behind the channel, about his project and what we can learn from his interviews. By Florian Zoller.

Nos Account Managers s'occupent de tout. Glisser votre fichier ici. Waiting for update.. Ajouter un bloc de couleur. Laurana, Luciano c. Bridgeman Images 15 rue du Louvre Paris France. Demandez votre devis maintenant Nos Account Managers s'occupent de tout.

1420 videos

As the Ukraine war has ground on for over a year, Russia has intensified its crackdown on dissent. His team, who are bylined by first name only, ask the questions. The risks of speaking out against the war on camera are real but unclear. As censorship has tightened, the team has done some anonymous interviews, blurring faces and disguising voices. While some respondents still show their loyalty to the regime, other people say what they think about Putin. Viewership has surged. He has about , subscribers on YouTube, an increase of over , since the Russian invasion, he said. He added that about 70 percent of the viewers, who number in the hundreds of thousands for each video, were from Europe; many Russians would rather go on with their lives and watch videos about anything other than the ongoing war. The interviews are a valuable, if unscientific window into public opinion, as polling tends not to be very useful in an undemocratic country where state television is censored. There are very few foreign reporters on the ground in Russia, especially following the arrest of Wall Street Journal correspondent Evan Gershkovich. But I never labeled myself like that. Videos either are filmed in Moscow or sometimes in the provinces, where Orain hails from.

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As the war in Ukraine drags on, Russian YouTuber Daniil Orain is using his channel called to help let the world know there are still dissenting voices in the county. YouTuber behind brings Russian dissent to the world. Duration Related Stories Ukraine says Russia has returned remains of fighters killed during the battle for Mariupol. More Like This. Recommended for You. The National.

A huge thanks to Tiina Pasanen and Outi Salovaara for the heads-up. Thanks to Tiina Pasanen for the heads-up. You can support by buying merch here or donating money via the platforms listed above. Thanks to Outi Salovaara for the heads-up. My name is Daniil Orain. In my videos, I try to create a montage of everyday Russians and a transparent representation of what they believe. Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, people from all over the world have come to my channel to try and understand how Russians think. At the time, I was working as a software engineer with a three-hour commute, and my perspectives changed when I began to watch on-the-street interviews with people in faraway cities during those rides. Those videos showed me how people from different places and cultures thought, and they played a big part in my self-education. Our increase came from around the world — not just Europe and America, which had been our main audience.

1420 videos

As the Ukraine war has ground on for over a year, Russia has intensified its crackdown on dissent. His team, who are bylined by first name only, ask the questions. The risks of speaking out against the war on camera are real but unclear. As censorship has tightened, the team has done some anonymous interviews, blurring faces and disguising voices. While some respondents still show their loyalty to the regime, other people say what they think about Putin. Viewership has surged. He has about , subscribers on YouTube, an increase of over , since the Russian invasion, he said.

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We have to say "secret operation" instead. One discovery in media conflict which Orain discovered is Russian versus international views on the Bucha massacre. People often ask me for the story behind the channel's name, but there's no secret meaning. What other sources such as other YouTube channels would you recommend to get the most authentic picture of how Russians think about the war? I'm glad people are watching the videos because I know from my experience how helpful YouTube can be. We're lucky to be able to learn online. TheMoment scientists discovered a new species of giant snake. Tags :. That blew my mind. KennyOmega CacusCool Take me to the lakes. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. He asks people in Moscow everyday questions in his posts. The channel has more than Sign in to your account. It makes a lot of fun to produce a video from the beginning to the very end — coming up with questions, looking for a good spot in Moscow or elsewhere, approaching strangers and finally editing all the film material.

However, one forum — at least so far — remains unblocked: YouTube. And on certain channels, one can still get a glimpse of what the Russian people are thinking. Watching his videos, we learn how Russians feel before the war, after it starts, one week in, two weeks in — and in the meantime, more and more restrictions of speech emerge from the Kremlin, to which the pedestrians respond in real time.

He expressed empathy for many of his subjects. Laurana, Luciano c. Sign In Register. Embassy staff abroad struggle to access health care The National 5 hours ago. We're lucky to be able to learn online. Toggle limited content width. Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa — und wo dazwischen befindet sich Tschechien? How does your immediate environment family, friends react to your YouTube channel? Zur mobilen Version gehen. Tapez votre recherche. Oktober 1 5 min read. As the war in Ukraine drags on, Russian YouTuber Daniil Orain is using his channel called to help let the world know there are still dissenting voices in the county. Stock Footage.

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