1000 sons 40k

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A selection of Thousand Sons units ideal for starting or expanding an army. A Combat Patrol-sized force in a box. Contains 26 multipart plastic miniatures. The heart of these arcane armies is comprised of Rubricae — implacable warriors who level salvo after salvo against the foe, marching at the command of the mighty Sorcerers and diabolic Infernal Masters who rule their fractured Legion. Around them come shrieking herds of Tzaangor, mutant shock troops armed with cursed blades and dark sorcery. This boxed set provides you with all the units you need to get. All delivery options and prices.

1000 sons 40k

Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play. The main feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Marines in this Legion. Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory. As a result of an ancient spell known as the Rubric of Ahriman that was cast soon after the Thousand Sons fell from their homeworld of Prospero during the early days of the Horus Heresy , every Thousand Sons Astartes that lacked psychic powers had his soul fused directly into his power armour. The Thousand Sons have become living embodiments of sorcery animated by the power of Chaos and the will of the Lord of Change. The Thousand Sons are the scions of the Primarch Magnus the Red , the copper-skinned cyclops whose thirst for knowledge in all its forms led ultimately to damnation and an eternity of servitude to Tzeentch, the Chaos God known as the Changer of the Ways. When the primarchs were scattered throughout the galaxy , Magnus found himself coming to rest upon the distant, isolated colony world of Prospero. It was perhaps fortunate that a being that many other Human societies would have denounced as a mutant came to such a place. Raised by such scholars, Magnus learned and mastered every one of their arts, soon surpassing them in every regard. The primarch turned from pupil to master, his fearsomely powerful mind able to manipulate the raw power of the Warp in ways no others could. By the time the Emperor located His long lost son, Magnus was privy to every secret the libraries of Prospero could offer. He yearned to learn more, and in his sire found the only being with more psychic potential than he. Accepting command of the Space Marine Legion created using his own gene-stock, Magnus took his place in the Great Crusade , and utilised his puissant skills for the good of all Mankind. But all was not well with this state of affairs, for the Imperium of Man had been envisaged as an end to the superstitions that had benighted the isolated worlds of Mankind for so many long millennia. The worship of deities and fallacious spiritual doctrines was denounced by the Emperor's Iterators , who preached a new age of reason fuelled by the potential of Humanity itself and the doctrines of the Imperial Truth.

In addition, the Thousand Sons' patron Chaos power Tzeentch was the very embodiment of Change, and he often gave mutational "gifts" to those who served him. Often, several sects will launch simultaneous strikes across large tracts of realspaceplunging entire Imperial sub-sectors into disarray and panic. By the time the Emperor located His long lost son, Magnus was privy to every secret the libraries of Prospero could offer, 1000 sons 40k.

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1000 sons 40k

The tang of sorcery taints the air as the Thousand Sons attack. Coruscating bolts of warp energy explode in washes of mutating fire, while hails of ensorcelled shot mow down rank after rank of the foe. Those not reduced to smouldering corpses are transmogrified by the magicks of Tzeentch, leaving the battlefield strewn with crystal statues, clouds of screaming vapour and writhing mounds of flesh. The Thousand Sons channel their arcane power through battlefield ritual, beseeching the Changer of the Ways to gift them forbidden knowledge or ravage their foes with warpfire and mutation. If it does, that unit is not eligible to declare a charge this turn.

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Bearing Magnus' gene-seed , the XV th Legion had a strong predisposition towards psychic mutation and a considerable number of Thousand Sons Astartes inherited their primarch 's potent psychic capabilities. He was finally able to achieve this goal and gained access to the Webway by using the captured Inquisitor Czevak and a long-forgotten Webway portal on the world of Etiamnum III. A Rubricae of the Silver Sons thrallband. He saw brother slaying brother and pacts being sealed with unspeakable beings. Hathor Maat's secondment had seen him serving with the Emperor's Children in their earliest days as they fought alongside the Luna Wolves. Magnus, now a Daemon Prince, was too powerful for Harek however, and slew him on the slopes of the Fang but not before taking a terrible wound himself. The primarch of the Thousand Sons issued his warning, but in so doing revealed his own crime. Khalophis had served with the Iron Warriors , a Legion he admired and ranked second only to the Thousand Sons. The leader of each Cult bore the rank of Magister Templi. Eventually Harek found what he believed to be the Thousand Sons' secret base on Gangava and launched a full scale attack against it.

Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play. The main feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Marines in this Legion. Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory.

Their armour is irreplaceable, for each suit was fused with the essence of the warrior inside by the Rubric of Ahriman. Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones - October 7, Ten Warpflamer Rubrics and Magnus the Red. Like all of their predecessors among the Legiones Astartes , the XV th Space Marine Legion was first forged on Terra by the Emperor of Mankind and its original members were recruited from the Terran population. As the Wolf King departed, he turned to face Magnus once more, and swore a blood oath against the Crimson King, promising that one day soon, there would be a reckoning between both of them. The following sorcerous cataclysm unleashed lightning strikes that hit each and every Thousand Sons Chaos Marine. Tzeentch lends immense power to those who win his favour with such displays, but always at a cost. Rumours and condemnations began to spread about the Thousand Sons Legion amongst the other Expeditionary Fleets. Endless are the variations upon the rune of Tzeentch worn by the Exiles; none can say which is the truest representation, for every aspect of the Architect of Fate is unbridled change made manifest. After his genetic-sons of the XV Legion were reunited with their Primarch, Magnus the Red 's pact with Tzeentch was sealed; only one in a thousand Battle-Brothers were spared from the further corruption of the Flesh-Change. Bolter Rubrics also act as a better bodyguard for an Infernal Master, though you can easily get by just not attaching your master s to a unit at all. However, upon learning of these ominous events years later after he was given command of the Legion following his discovery by the Emperor on the world of Prospero , the Primarch Magnus considered these portents as boding ill for his Legion.

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